Wednesday, August 03, 2022




I have been writing for this Blog for nearly 17 years. My readers know that, on occasion (more than a few times actually) I have called out judicial candidates when I thought it was appropriate to do so. This BLOG has a daily readership that numbers in the thousands and it is time for our readers to pay attention and get to work. It is time for you to “get up now ... I want all of you to get up out of your chairs ... I want you to get up right now, and go to the window, open it and stick you head out and yell .....

Judge Lody Jean is a really good judge. She has paid her dues, worked her way up through her entire legal career and impressed two different Governors (Scott in 2018 & DeSantis in 2020) who have appointed her to the County Court, and then the Circuit Court bench.

Her opponent, Teressa Tylman, on the other hand, does not deserve to be on the ballot - nay, she barely deserves to be called a lawyer.  She has brought nothing but shame and embarrassment to the idea of getting elected to the bench.

We first highlighted Ms. Tylman’s making a joke of the entire judicial election process when we wrote a column about her candidacy on April 27, 2022 entitled A ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE, EXCEPT WHEN YOUR NAME IS TERESSA MARIA TYLMANthat can be found here

Since qualifying to run against Incumbent Judge Lody Jean, Ms. Tylman has done just about everything she can to prove to the voters of Miami-Dade County that she does not belong on the bench.

1. Tylman has avoided showing up to nearly every single judicial forum (nearly a dozen at last count) that have been held over the past three months including FACDL-Miami, League of Prosecutors, AFL-CIO, Fraternal Order of Police, Miami-Dade County Bar Association, and numerous other organization sponsored forums.

2. Tylman recently hired Antonio Verdugo as her new Campaign Manager. Verdugo runs a company called Winning Strategies. That is the same Antonio Verdugo who is the President of the ultra right wing Christian Family Coalition. In fact, the CFC is the only endorsement (instead of using the word endorsement, the CFC calls it their list of Highly Qualified candidates) that Tylman has received in her campaign to unseat Judge Jean.

3. Shocker Alert - Tylman finally showed up to a judicial forum last week, a Breakfast Club, hosted by Michael Gongora (former Miami Beach Commissioner and current candidate for Mayor of Miami Beach). Gongora just happens to be an attorney and he works at the Becker Law Firm. Guess who else works at the Becker Law Firm - Teresa Tylman’s husband.

To give you some idea of just how much of a nightmare it would be to the citizens of Miami-Dade County if Tylman somehow got elected on August 23rd, take a look at the video from 20:55 to 31:10 and compare the candidates, Judge Jean and Teressa Tylman. The word embarrassment comes to mind. The link is to a Facebook page that can be found here, scroll down to the Miami Beach Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club, date of July 19, and then run the video forward until 20:55.

4. Tylman told the Miami Herald Editorial Board that she has taken part in “10 to 12” bench trials and “hundreds of hours” of evidentiary hearings, “which is the equivalent of a trial.” When asked to highlight a case she’s worked, Cervera asked, “Can I get back to you on that?”

In their endorsement of Judge Jean, the Herald did provide our Blog with the recognition it deserves when they said: “Unfortunately, Cervera’s campaign has been clouded with accusations, first aired in the Judicial Blog, that she has gone professionally by another name, Teressa Tylman, until she decided to run.” The Herald went on to say: “We think Cervera’s legal resume is thin, especially when compared to that of incumbent Jean. In legal circles, Jean is known as an impartial, qualified and well-prepared jurist who keeps a tight calendar. Voters should return this smart judge to the bench. The Miami Herald recommends LODY JEAN for Miami-Dade Circuit Court, Group 3.”

5. The Daily Business Review has also written a couple of stories about the Jean v Tylman race. In providing attribution to our BLOG, the DBR stated that: “The Justice Building Blog first broke the news about the “name game“ Cervera is allegedly playing”. They went on to point out that: “In 2014, Cervera married Adam Cervera, a shareholder at Becker & Poliakoff. But Cervera has not changed her last name with the Florida Bar, on her driver’s license, her voter registration, the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser and the Florida Division of Corporations, for instance, until recently.”

6. Political Cortadito has also run a story on the contest between Judge Jean and Ms. Tylman. In citing to the Justice Building Blog, they wrote “The Justice Building blog that broke this story said her driver’s license and voter’s registration were in the name Tylman until recently.” They went on to quote Professor Scott Fingerhut, in saying: “While no judicial seat is guaranteed,” Professor Fingerhut concluded, “in light of Ms. Tylman’s seeming lack of qualifications to serve as judge, her decision to run against an experienced, respected incumbent — Judge Lody Jean —  based on name-recognition alone is foul play and must cause our community to question why.”

7. What kind of support does Tylman have? To date, Tylman has raised a total of $14,625 from 60 contributors (with 12 of them being family members). In comparison, Judge Lody Jean has attracted 785 contributors who have donated $308,476. Tylman’s fundraising numbers are by far the lowest of the 14 judicial candidates in this election cycle; Jean’s numbers, on the other hand, are by far the largest.

8. The Miami-Dade Bar 2022 Judicial Poll Results were released last night. MDB members spoke loudly when they said that by a vote of 87% to 13% that Judge Lody Jean was by far the more qualified candidate; in fact Judge Jean scored as the most qualified of all 14 candidates for judicial office in this cycle.

Each of our readers knows ten voters. Each of our readers gets that same phone call from their mother, or father, or another family member who always asks the same question at this time of year “Hey Captain, I don’t know any of these names - who should I vote for”.  It’s your job to tell ten voters and then ask them to each tell ten voters - to vote for LODY JEAN.



  1. Thank you Captain for investigating and exposing unqualified opportunist like Teressa Maria Tylman who recently started using the name Cervera in an attempt to deceive the voters. Her FIU law professor called Tylman a 'public fraud'. Tylman / Cervera took on Judge Lody Jean because Jean's last name sounds Haitian / African American. Tylman's legal career has been a failure. She needs the judicial salary to get out from under a debt of close to $900,000 (debts which are public record, but which Tylman did not disclose in her financial disclosure. Tylman's hiring of Verdugo, the man behind the ultra right wing 'Christian' Family Coalition, is a first among judicial candidates in Miami-Dade. It's the one endorsement Tylman has received and she had to pay for it. I just watched that video. The Gongora 'Breakfast Club' is nothing more that a thinly populated Gongora cheering section for his Miami Beach Mayoral aspirations. Tylman fumbles and stammers incoherently answering softball, rehearsed question lofted at her by her buddy Gongora, who works at the same Becker Law firm as Tylman's husband. I hope the JQC and the Florida Bar look into and do something about the fraud that Tylman and some of the lawyers at Becker Law are trying to pul off at the expense of the community loosing an excellent and qualified Judge Lody Jean.

  2. Call Judge Jean. Get a yard sign. I did. Looks great.

  3. This is important but, nothing compared to the bullshit from Jason Bloch and Renier de la Portilla.

    1. No bullshit from Jason Bloch. He didn’t know about, pay for or approve a text that went out and has forbid any negative campaigning. That’s the luxury that having personal integrity and fk u $ affords one. He didn’t need to do anything. ORF stepped in it all by himself by going to that Klan I mean CFC meeting. ORF’s little tactic of trying to make people feel sorry for him is so obvious and transparent. His poll workers (mostly family) are rude. His sister had the police called on her at the west Miami precinct on Saturday. I’ve personally seen voters hold their hands up blocking his people. You may not like Jason (or maybe your jealous) but accusing him of any malicious campaign tactics it’s egregiously false. Meanwhile….RDLP is nothing but a lowlife marimbero

    2. Bullshit from Bloch? You see mr public defender, that’s what having integrity AND Fk u $ are for. You can say JBloch has rubbed you the wrong way but accusing him of any any campaign related “bullshit” is a joke. He wouldn’t endorse or pay for any negative campaigning against ORF. He doesn’t have to. ORF did it to himself by being a shitty unsuccessful lawyer and an even shittier judge and to top that off: going to the Klan I mean CFC’s Roe v Wade celebratory breakfast and accepting their endorsement. His pity tactic is so transparent. He has his nasty family members campaigning for him, telling Latin voters he’s a Republican. Which is illegal. His sister had the police called on her yesterday at the west Miami precinct for harassing voters and poll workers. Unlike ORF, JB isn’t accepting any money from attorneys. Well, I guess a guy with a $24k net worth who lives with his mommy needs to. Oh and single in his 50’s screams homo. Lastly, ORF’s campaign manager is as shady as they come and is the guy that got busted in Hialeah for ballot fraud.


    Maryland female attorney of color suspended for communications with Jewish client

  5. If anyone should be opposed to Verduga and his uber right-wing cabal, it's Gongora.

  6. Captain, as a long time PD I remember the glory days of this blog when everyone was objective. Spiteful at times but mostly objective. However, this entire election cycle was been a complete dumpster fire by you guys. It is clear that: (1) you either have a ton of cases in front of Judge Jean; or (2) she is paying your site for these blog posts.

    You guys need to do better. I’ve never been before Judge Jean so I have no opinion. However, the Cevera/Tylman lady apparently is popular in certain circles so that is probably why she decided to run. I am legit inclined to vote for her simply because of all the negative blogs and hate you have thrown at her. I will also tell ten of my friends/colleagues to do the same.

    BE OBJECTIVE! Your readers deserve it.

    -Captain’s Disappointed First Mate

  7. Thank you sir. In over 3 decades of practice I've seen many ugly judicial campaigns. This one is right up there with the worst.
    Let's hope enough people are mad as he'll along with us!

  8. Lody was a slam dunk until she featured DeSantis on her flyers. I think that may end up doing her more harm than good.

  9. Honestly. If you listen to Tylman's own answers to very plain questions how can anyone conclude she is better qualified than Judge Jean.? This little name game she and other women use has gotten old fast. Either stand on your work or hit the road

  10. This is what you get when judges are elected by a public that has no idea how the courts function. Some of the worst judges in our recent history have come from the election process. However, time and time again the voters have rejected merit retention or some equivalent of merit retention. So, this is the cacophany of swill we have to deal with every election cycle. I just hope people will use their brains and vote for the quality people we know and work with every day.

    1. #RenathaFrancis #DeSantisKnowsBetterThanVoters

  11. Yes another failed attorney desiring a nice salary and pension. Tylman now Cervera has screwed up more than one family law case I can attest to, missing the deadline to appeal and angering the judge seeking rehearing a second time. Imagine that logic on the bench. Just more chaos on the bench we don't need, as we have enough of it now with the recent appointments.

  12. Dear Judge Jean can I run the credit card for another payment ? And of course in exchange for that we will continue to run biased posts against Ms Cerveza Tua

    Hey 10:22 do me one favor. Take the computer you use to read the blog and throw it out the window. Now. I mean it.

  13. Thanks for this article! I have always thought very highly of Lody in every aspect of her career. Faced against her when she was a state attorney, was happy to have her as a colleague when she went to the private defense bar. She has always been classy and professional on each side. As a judge she has the perfect temperament for the position, has all the qualifications and is fair to both sides. Teressa Cervera Tylman is a joke. I have been telling all my friends and family about this. They have been so infuriated that they don't need to hear anymore about this fraud of a candidate Cervera. From one conversation at an event recently I was able to get 7 people to vote for her. I'm rooting for Lody all the way. To anyone involved with Cervera's campaign you should be ashamed. That's why Michael Gongora will never publicly acknowledge her in any of his social media. VOTE LODY JEAN!

    1. Hi Judge Jean! Welcome back to the blog šŸ‘‹šŸ»

  14. When will Hanzy and Coco have Lody jean on their show to discuss thie?

  15. Love it when Rump tells someone to throw their computer out their window. Something about it just makes me smile

  16. At least Rump is being honest, in his own corky way. Judge Jean is clearly paying this site for these insane blog posts about her opposition. I tried a case in front of her right before she drew opposition and it was not an enjoyable experience. I’m voting for the other gal for that reason.

  17. It’s Hanzy and Coco in the morning on 66 WNBC (quack quack). It 7:25 and 83 degrees in the big apple on the way to a high of 91. We have Jazzy Jessie the sexy news girl with the news.
    Well Hanzy and Coco Mayor Koch says he’s made a final offer to the sanitation workers union and they have until Friday midnight to accept so the garbage may start piling up come Monday. Prince was at the Garden last night for his 5th sold out show. The Mets and The Yankees both won and President Reagan leaves on a ten day tour of the Middle East. Wall Street was up yesterday for the ninth straight day. Traffic on the east bound BQE is backed up to Queens Boulevard and rubberneckers are slowing traffic on the FDR from Houston to the tunnel. Back to you guys.

    It’s Hanzy and Coco in the morning in 66 WNBC (quack quack) coming up today at noon it’s the Soupy Sales Show and then it’s the Howard Stern show from three to six and then Art Rust Jr sports talk from 6 to 10 before the Larry King show from 10 pm to 3 am.

    You know Coco that Larry King is a doofus.
    Yes Hanzy. And all that talk that Cnn is going to give him a show is ridiculous. I mean if they give him a show what’s next? Donald Trump as President?
    Haha Coco. Good one there. Did you catch the Prince concert? He can sing.
    Yes Hanzy. I was there the other night. Good stuff.
    Ok coco. Coming up Coco bakes cookies with Martha Stewart in the studio. We dive into a new concept for computers called …. What’s this word? Inter let ? Internet ? With some company called compuserve and then we have on Siskel and Ebert to review the new hit movie Chariots of Fire. All on Hanzy and Coco in the morning 66WNBC (quack quack).

  18. Lody was appointed because she can't be elected. She's an outstanding judge and she's going to lose badly to a totally unqualified embarrassment. Judges should be appointed not elected.

    1. Love you to put your money where your mouth is

  19. 1040 pm you’re a complete and total moron. So I say this publicly. Produce ONE credible piece of evidence that anyone has ever given me or anyone one dime or more to write anything on this blog and I will write you a check for one million dollars.

    Otherwise crawl back into the crack from the sewer that you emerged from. I can’t be bought. Unlike you - you two bit cheap political hack. Want me to pull the records of people who tried cases before the judge ? The answer is you don’t care because everything you wrote is a lie. You can’t try a case. You don’t even know how to do an arraignment.

    1. Rump you are a dope. This whole site is “anonymous”. How is that PD supposed to provide you with the evidence of you accepting payments from Lody. You are not a publicly traded company, etc.

      I think he was implying that it’s blatantly obvious that you are way too pro Judge Jean, almost to a suspicious degree. It’s actually quite nauseating. Based on your over the top bias, I am going to vote for the other lady and hope she gets put in family or civil.

    2. Then you sir or madam are a complete moron. You obviously know nothing about Tylman I mean Cervera or have heard her speak. It’s an embarrassment that Judge J is even being challenging by that dead fish. God she ignorant. If you’re throwing a pity vote at her than you deserve to crawl under the rock she came from

  20. Rump: I want to hear about DOM's incredible verdict in Colorado. Thought I would see something about it on his blog. Hmm... one of the best trial lawyers in the country only touts his wins, which happen so rarely. His silence is golden! You get what you overpay for.

  21. The reason I am such a good lawyer is that I can mail letters and packages lightning fast. Moreover, I can have things printed and bound in mere seconds. I challenge anyone who thinks they can get something from A to B faster. Based on this, there is no question that I am qualified to be a district court judge.


    The UPS Store Lawyer

    P.S. - I forgot to mention that I get my documents endorsed for free at the store, which is huge.

  22. Wednesday, August 03, 2022 10:40:00 PM

    In your comment you wrote "gal" -- Bro, who the hell says 'gal' anymore? Unless you're Frank Sinatra walking into a bar with a cigar and drink in your hands. You sound like a total moronic tool.

  23. 9:59 I am not so much pro Judge Lody- never tried a case before her, but from what I know about her experience prior to being a judge, she was well prepared to be a judge. I am anti Cervez-Tua.

    Let's say I am in a murder trial. And I want to ask a question in voir dire and the state objects. Or they object to something in my opening statement or cross of the detective. What is Cerveza-Tua going to do? Tell ME based on all of her trial experience that I am doing it wrong? ME doing something wrong? Based on what? Her dozen county court and ticket bench trials.
    When Judge Johnny Kastrenakes tells me I am not doing something correct- he would know. Ditto Milton and Richard Hirsch/Hersch- they tried murder cases as defense attorneys. Judge De La O- Tink, and going back to the older days Judge Gerald Bagley, Judge Lenny Glick and Judge Stacey Glick. All those judges tried a whole lot of cases before taking the bench. We can differ about the law, but they've been where I am standing- in the box fighting a case. What is Cerveza-Tua going to use ? She has no experience.
    I'll tell you what she will do- like every other baby judge who has no trial experience- she will freeze like a deer in the headlights- run off the bench and call De La O or some other judge and say "help- rumpole is asking these questions, the state is objecting and I have no idea how to rule." So now I have to argue to two judges, one in court and one hearing all that is going on second hand. It sucks. It's offensive. If she wants to be a judge, go buy some new suits and come to court and announce ready like the rest of us and try some f'ing cases and then run in five years. She is running because of her name- NO OTHER REASON and it annoys the crap out of me. This is my profession. Ive dedicated my life to getting better. She's dedicated her career to using a name for benefits. She should be defeated and then face bar sanctions for the crap she is pulling. It undermines the system of justice. What if she was elected and got assigned a case like the Parkland shooting. Then what? Or is she going to be a circuit judge who only gets easy cases?

    You have a problem with that? Too bad. Screw you.

    1. Hirsch, De la O and Tinkler Mendez, all great judges, were all elected. People complain about judicial elections, but I would rather have a say as a voter then trust the judgment of someone who appoints Renatha Francis to the Supreme Court.

  24. Looks like Tessa Tylman-Cevera's camp has been chiming in to say they are going to tell everyone to vote against Lody Jean, because everyone who has actually had a case in front of Judge Jean has commented on their actual experiences with her; and instead to vote for an individual with what she claims to be maybe 10-12 evidentiary hearings as experience but would have to get back to the interviewer regarding those. The bottom line is that Tessa Tylman has no business running for judge, Judge Jean is a fair judge who knows the law, and the support that Judge Jean is getting is solely because of that.

  25. Rump is having a meltdown over Jean because I think he knows deep down she is going to lose. I for one wish to jump in on the dog pile and kick him while he is down!

    Now you know how your readers feel over the last few years watching this blog deteriorate šŸ˜®

  26. Have you seen the readership numbers? The daily views? Oh I am shaking in my suit because some numbnuts who never created anything in their life says the blog has deteriorated.

    Here's the one thing I discern from your ridiculous comment- you love reading the blog; you are hooked reading the blog and you cannot stop yourself from checking the blog several times a day. I'd say thank you, but I much prefer quality over quantity when it comes to readers. Go away.

  27. Looking for your comment? This is not FB
    when you accuse me of things that are not true, just to get the accusation out there to promote your lie, I will not post it.
    My blog my rules.
    Go find some trump blog somewhere

  28. The Lincoln Lawyer, the Creepy Porn Lawyer, and now the UPS Store lawyer

  29. Judge Jean is superb in every respect. I dealt with her when she was a prosecutor, a private attorney and a judge. Not only is she the clear choice in this race but is as good a judge as there is in this state. I will be proud to vote for her.

  30. Rumpole, I e-mailed you a few days ago and just now again. Please let me know if we can chat about this matter.
