Tuesday, August 30, 2022



This notice was in our crowded email in box: 


Effective October 29, 2022, you will no longer receive a PDF document(s) attached to the E-service Notification of Electronic Filing (NEF). You will receive a link in the NEF to the document(s) submitted. That link will be available for two days (excluding weekends) after the filing is accepted by the Clerk.

FYI unlike the rest of the civilized world and Iran and North Korea, the Dade County Clerk's docket in criminal cases has NO REPEAT NO PDFS attached. 

No soup for you. No documents for you. 

However should you be charged in North Korea with defaming the Dear Leader, the charging documents are available in PDF format on their docket www.moreadvancedcourtsystemthanmiami.com 


  1. This isnt just Miami it is state wide, and it is very troubling to read this.

    Our small firm has case management software that relies on the actual pleadings being sent to our inbox. I know many state attorneys and at least one PD office have similar setups. So portal users will no longer have documents sent directly to them?!? People will need to click a link and download every single pleadings that’s filed?!?

    How are giant traffic, foreclosure, debt firms going to manage this? And how is a solo practitioner going to go on vacation if pleadings will “self-destruct” after two days?

    Horrible idea, I hope FACDL will pipe up and help talk the Portal braintrust out of this.

  2. They're trying to make the state e-filing system more like federal PACER and CM/ECF. Instead of getting to keep the PDF indefinitely in your email, you only get it for a limited time.

  3. Do they plan on sending all registered portal users an email advising them of this change? This seems very unreasonable. I understand potentially changing to something similar to pacer, but pacer allows you to view the documents through the link without self destructing. I would assume they would be sending something to the registered users and get some feedback from the practitioners which include valid concerns raised by 4:55.

  4. We were told electronic filing would be cheaper and easier than paper. That seems to have been a steaming pile of bullshit.

  5. It doesn’t work for a court system like Miami’s where the documents cannot be found online! To quote the late, great Alex Michaels, dees is bullsheet! Come on FACDL; stop this from going through! Earn my dues payment!

  6. I doubt you will find one attorney who thinks this is a good idea and this is not how PACER works. Finally, something the whole BAR can agree on.

  7. Have no idea what a notice of electronic filing is. I know what an e-mail from the portal attaching a file that a lawyer certified was being e-mailed to me is. Sounds like another desperate attempt to sell paid copies. Like altering copies of documents stored in the portal to stamp "cheapskate did not pay for this copy" or something. The idea is to make you pay clerks for copies.

  8. An email from the e-filing system today said that this change was because filings of over 5 MB in size had to be broken up into pieces by them to then send back to the recipients. Hey, e-filing administrator Idiots, how about sending a link (that does not self destruct in 2 days) ONLY FOR PLEADINGS OF THAT SIZE!? Since that is probably less than 1% of the time, you won’t screw with the rest of the usual filings! Just saying!

  9. 2days? Our firm is at least 5 days behind processing emails.
