Thursday, August 18, 2022


 As reported earlier in the week Cesar "Echy" Echaverry, a Miami Dade Detective was murdered in the line of duty working in a Robbery Intervention Detail. 

This is tragic and it serves us all well to remember that every day law enforcement officers go to work with the understanding that they may never return to their families. 

We will only post comments in memory of this officer. 

Detective Echaverry was 29 years old. 


  1. The police officers of our community go to work each day, kiss their loved ones, spouses, children, goodbye, and then are prepared to take a bullet for us. To make our community safer. Let us never forget the sacrifices they make for us to protect our safety and security.

    May God bless Detective Echaverry and may his family gather strength from the prayers of the citizens of our community.

    CAP .......

  2. As attorneys we heavily scrutinize the actions of these officers yet sometimes forget the incredible commitment and sacrifice they make on a daily basis. What a senseless death of a young man. It’s unfathomable that somebody would shoot at a police officer just doing his job. I’m glad the monster that shot him no long walks the earth

  3. Yes, we may disagree with the police sometimes but, we MUST respect them and what they do. He was too young to die. So sorry to hear this news.

  4. I respect police officers but I do not respect what some of them do. Let's laud them for how they do their job, not that they have that job in the first place.

    1. Was this negative comment necessary?

  5. I am so opposed to the Defund the Police movement.

    Instead - the citizens and civic groups must do more to HONOR the men and women in blue who give of themselves to keep society safe.

    Our America is moving the wrong way. I hope that America - as we knew it growing up - will survive for generations ahead.

    God bless you Echy.

  6. Very sad. These RID officers have such a dangerous job, but they put their lives in harms way to protect us from some
    Of the most violent criminals on the streets on Miami Dade County. A stark reminder that these names on police reporters and face that appear on zoom deposition screens are human beings with families who love them. Prayers for his family.

  7. Horrible. And for everyone distrustful of police - the first thing done in a crisis situation - call the police. Thankful brave men and women sign up for this often thankless profession

  8. I have to ask you this:

    How many of you have seen a police officer do something good or something very honorable and have written to the chief to commend the behavior? I do it all the time.

    Many cops are great. Most are good. Some are so, so. A few are jerks. That's true of lawyers too.

    I am so sorry for what happened to that officer.

  9. We salute Officer Echeverry and his service to the community we all love. Thank you sir for your service. RIP.
