Monday, June 13, 2022


 Florida will now charge defendant's $100.00 dollars in cold, hard cash, for motions to transfer probation to another state. As a member of the Interstate Compact on Detainers, as well as many other compacts, the law provides for a one-hundred-dollar fee and the fee is NOT waivable. Like that Federal Special Assessment. Do or don't do whatever you want with the Feds, but pay your one hundred dollar special assessment or else. 

The new transfer probation fee is the same. No money no motion no order no nothing. 

We like the fee. We'd like to see the whole system transformed into a "pay as you go" system. You pay for driving on the turnpike to Orlando. You pay for the HOV lane on I-95. And you pay for criminal court proceedings. 

Arraignment fee: $25.00. And like the airlines, there should be groups. Want to move from group five to group one? Pay another $25.,00 and be called within the first ten cases. 

Motion to continue fee: $50.00. Delays cost the system money. Everyone knows that. 

Motion to compel discovery? The losing party pays $50,00 bucks. If the state hasn't sent discovery, they pay the costs of the motion. 

Motion to dismiss: $100.00. 

The point is that why stop at motions to transfer probation to Las Vegas or Oklahoma? Everything we do in court costs money. The clerks have to make notations on the file for each case (notation fee?). They have to place everything we file in the file (filing fee?). They have to find the file and bring it to court (finders fee?) and the calendar clerk has to calendar hearings (calendar fee?). Court reporters have to take down everything that is occurring (reporting fee?)  and judges have to pretend they are interested in the proceedings (judicial fee?). 

So let's pay as we go, because in for a penny, in for a bitcoin (which today is worth a whole lot less than it was worth yesterday. 


  1. You makes your choice and you pays the ticket

  2. This is truly brilliant. Let’s implement. Rump - call Harvey Ruvin!!

  3. For those with long memories of days gone by (i.e., Courtbroom), insert your requested service and price tag here ________________.

  4. Rumpole - any thoughts on the latest circuit judicial shuffle and Milt’s upcoming reappearance in the halls of REG?

  5. Does anyone know who this guy CryptoLawyer is on twitter? Was he a SDFla AUSA?

  6. Judges come and judges go but lawyers and clients are here forever. I’ve stopped long ago wondering about the judge mostly because the case law for the last 25 years is such that there really isn’t much they can do for a defendant. It all comes down to a jury. No motions to suppress are granted. So with all due respect the shuffle of judges is meaningless to me.

  7. "I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse:
    borrowing only lingers and lingers it out, but the disease is
    incurable. Go bear this letter to my Lord of Lancaster; this to the
    prince; this to the Earl of Westmoreland; and this to old Mistress
    Ursula, whom I have weekly sworn to marry since I perceived the
    first white hair of my chin. About it: you know where to find me."
    - Falstaff, Act 1, Scene 2, King Henry IV Part 2

  8. Maybe you never win suppression motions Rumpole but Andy Rier got a big suppression before De la O last week and walked the client on attempted murder charges. Speak for yourself sir!
