Friday, May 13, 2022


 As a Rose by any other name (would deny a bond just as sweet?) struggles with the demand of a full case load and lots of invitations to Judicial Election functions (see the PoliticalCodadito blog) we want to state a few things. 

In response to our blog post about her name change. Ms. Tylman-Tua -Cervera told PoliticalCodadito that our post was "a lie. It's twisted. Deliberately distorted." As to "twisted" we will have a more detailed response below- we're not gonna take it anymore, that's for sure. 

As to a lie, we reported she had her DL and voter registration card in the name Tylman and that her bar profile was under Tylman. If that is a lie, let us know and we will print a full retraction. It did come out in the interview that she has her passport under the name Cevera. If so, it is an important fact that should be out there for the voters' consideration. Of course, the lawyer in us would remind Ms. TC that at many the pretrial detention hearing in federal court, the prosecutors delight in telling the court that our client has a passport in a different name. Just saying, it could backfire when you need it most. 

It also came out that TC changed her name when her son saw her Zoom name as different than Cevera. Personally, we would advise to leave children out of this contretemps. 

And finally this- TC said "she has always dreamed of being a judge.

Stop the presses Mr. Ovalle. Front page herald: Judicial candidate stuns world, revealing she always dreamed of being a judge. 

"The Miami legal community reacted in shock and amazement when a judicial candidate revealed she always dreamed of being a judge. 'It's a game changer' said one political consultant. 'We've never seen a candidate say that before.' Speaking with a Judge who asked to remain anonymous, the Judge said 'We all want to be judges. But having always dreamed of being a judge? Wow! That is something special. I hope she wins.' "

So lets play this forward at an imaginary candidate forum, assuming Ms. TC could clear her crowded schedule of cases and other judicial receptions and actually attend one. 

When asked why she is running for judge, Judge Lody gives a response about how rewarding the job is in serving Miami and how it is a continuation of her work as a prosecutor. There is polite and genuine applause. 

Then Ms. TC rises and states "Well, I've always dreamed of being a judge." A moment of shock, followed by a raucous standing ovation and loud cheers. 

A Rose by any other name- is a Dream Candidate For Judge. 

And now, rocking all the way from 1984. We are Twisted? Well, Ms. Dream Candidate- let us say....WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE. 



  2. I think little dreamer by v.h. would have been a better song choice

  3. Remember: Call it luck, call it heaven, it's a probable 12-to-7 that any variety of "Cervera" beats any variety of "Jean" in a Miami judicial election.

    The Blog (ICWYDT Rump) is swell, but you know who doesn't READ it (or the DBR for that matter)? 99.9% of the 1.5 million voters in Miami Dade County.

    You can snipe all you like at this candidate. You can congratulate yourself on your witty, pithy commentary. Commenters here can compete for the sharpest and most stinging barb. But you are bellowing into an echo chamber from which little sound can escape.

    This one strikes me as someone with a pretty high tolerance for ridicule. But even if she feigns outrage now, even if you actually cause her a tear or two, she'll get over it right quick and well enough when she's sworn in in January and, likely, assigned to the Justice Building, and all of us here start calling her "your honor."

    [Well, I won't. I tend to call them all "judge,"]

    This is the truth, and you know it in your hearts.

    FACDL Listserve Leaker

  4. Judge Hanzman should have transferred the Surfside case to EL APONTE. She would have done a much better job, gotten more money and had it settled within 2 weeks.

  5. Laura Adams, ASA and royal pain, had a big loss yesterday. She charged a cop with vehicle homicide for speeding on an emergency call. Jury: NOT GUILTY all charges. Good job Atty David Braun.

    1. That's a hard case for Adam's and cops drive to fast. Bravo David Braun

  6. Teressa Tylman / Teressa Cervera claims she wants to tell her story and qualifications, yet she has skipped every judicial forum. All other candidates have appeared at every forum. She is the only one to have missed a forum.

  7. Tylman knows she can come to every single forum but still wouldn’t get votes from 5 people who attend them. She simply doesn’t need them bc she has the right name. Tunis went to every forum and Rosy didn’t. Guess who won the election.

  8. 6:51PM You are wrong. Rosy Aponte was everywhere during the campaign against Dava Tunis and Rosy Aponte attended every forum. She actively and effectively campaigned. Aponte had run for judge several times before and she was elected by a very slim margin. It sounds like you are rooting for Tylman to unseat a talented and devoted judge. Let's see.

  9. @ 8:23

    Predicting a hurricane is not rooting for a hurricane. Diagnosing an illness is not being on Team Disease. Heck, defending a bank robber doesn't make one pro-robbery.

    Your last sentence is a silly one for a legal blog.

    FACDL Listserve Leaker.
