Friday, April 01, 2022


 The Wilkie Ferguson Courthouse has thirteen floors of Federal Court Judges dispensing justice as the good lord and/or President Trump saw fit to allow them to do. (No Biden appointees yet, right?).

Thirteen floors of fun and frivolity, right? 

Then why this sign? 

What in the name of Bill Gates tracking chips is going on here? 

A fourteenth floor?

Well, we had to see it. So we got into the elevator, and this is what we saw:

No fourteen

This is a riddle wrapped in a mystery. 

The fourteenth floor in the federal courthouse has just become our Area 51. 


  1. April Fool's joke, silly.

  2. Perhaps because today’s date is April 1, 2022.

  3. Once you learn the secret handshake, you will be provided with access to the special elevator that takes you to the 14th floor. There's a concierge lounge up there too.

  4. You obviously have no business being in federal court. And no picture taking is allowed there. You better get a lawyer.

  5. An employee prank on April fools day?

  6. Either your usual post for April Fool's Day or a typo.

  7. The sign was placed there as an April Fools joke.

  8. Get out on 13, press the up button, and the elevators that have a 14 will open and take you up.

  9. You got into the wrong elevator. Only certain elevators reach the 14th floor where there are judges’ conference rooms, waiting area, library and a gym. You,sir, will never be a secret agent.

  10. You went to the wrong elevator. Not all of the elevators go to the 14th floor where there is the judges' conference room, a waiting area, a library and a gym, etc. You, sir, will never be a secret agent -- but very nice try.

  11. Like Brigadoon, the 14th floor is only available for a short period on 4/1 in years ending in 22.

  12. Anyone wanna give a Shumie update ? Cigars. Cars. The REN ( A venue).

  13. That federal building is a TOTAL waste of taxpayers money!!! It makes me want to vomit every time I enter. So much waste of space, it's really criminal. I would love to know what the money FPL bills are. And they nickel dime CJA attorney bills. They are such hypocrites.

  14. @958:

    How do you feel about monuments? Lincoln Memorial? Statute of Liberty?

    The Ferguson Building is a functioning monument to our free and transparent system of justice. That's why, for example, it is glass; signifying transparency.

    There is also a lot more to that building than you seem to understand. You might want to look into it one day.

  15. What BS.

    Miami did not need a new federal courthouse then, and it needs it less now. We had THREE at the time they built this behemoth.

    There are NO cases. The Feds troll state court gun cases to bring young blacks into the Federal Court System to justify the funding of the large staff at the US Attorney's Office and courts.

    If the "powers that be" wanted a monument, they surely could have built a lovely one for a fraction of the cost.

  16. That building is a monument to Fred Moreno's ego. He built the Taj Mahal on the edge of a poor ghetto. The wasted money should have been used to rehab the neighborhood.
