Saturday, March 12, 2022


 Florida is banning the word "Gay". Really. 

Soooooo.... why stop there? We have some ideas- Ban Ideas! Ban em all! Ideas are bad. They lead to thinking; and thinking leads to voting and vaccines and that leads to stolen elections and Bil Gates tracking you when you go to Pizza shops in Washington DC to watch porn. 

At the start of this governor's term he banned State employees from using the term "Global Warming" which was a good  great and  GAY idea. 

Why do you need a boat and snorkel to get to Ocean Drive?  The Democrats of course! Global warming has nothing to do with rising sea levels. 

We fought World War II because Nazi Germany burned books, among other atrocious things. Burning books was a small symptom of a larger disease- hate and ignorance. Florida would never burn books. We can do bigger and better- hate more and be more ignorant than Nazi Germany. Never let it be said that Nazis out hated Florida lawmakers. 

Plus, there are problems with burning books. First, there are very few books left. It's all digital. So it really wouldn't accomplish what our law makers want to do. Kindles (despite the name) don't really burn. Instead, we Floridians  ban words and ideas. Because we have evolved from those crude Nazis. We mean, what Christian, God fearing Florida Republican would be caught dead in those Brown Shirts? Such a fashion faux pax for ignorant lunkhead dictator lovers. 

In that vein, we offer to our Florida Governor and his minions some more words and ideas (and books) that should be banned:

Ban Biden. Ban the mention of Joe Biden. Fake President. "LET'S GO BRANDON!"

Franklin Roosevelt. Ban the mention of a great democratic President. 

Reason. Science. Jews (we are a Christian nation after all). Blacks. Race. Lesbians. Transgender.  Ban em all! 

"Bi-weekly"- too close to the word "Bi" and can't have that.

Voting. Democracy. Covid19 (totally fake). Vaccines- government scam. 

Ban these books to start: To Kill a Mockingbird; Fahrenheit 451; The Grapes of Wrath;         I know Why The Caged Bird Sings. 

Ban Nine of the first ten amendments to the Constitution. The Second Amendment - which every good republican can tell you requires everyone over the age of six to have a firearm on them at all times, including at church and in a bar, would replace the pledge of allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to Donald Trump and the second amendment and our love of guns. And to the republic, where we shoot each other, one nation, with no stolen elections, one loaded AR15, with ammo and rifles for all.

Ban Critical thinking. Ban The Socratic Method. Did we mention banning "reason"?

Ban all scientific research. Ban Merck, and Pfizer, and AmGen and all Bio-tech companies. Remove all mention of Dr. Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine from history books. Ban the word "vaccine" and require the death penalty (or an hour talking to the governor, which ever is more painful) if someone says the word "vaccine" in public. 

 Some research, especially into the efficacy of horse antibiotics and ingesting bleach as a way to cure most diseases would be allowed under certain rules called "The Non-Fauci Standards" which state that scientific investigation into drugs using a double-blind study are banned. Joe Rogan will be The United States Commissioner of New Drugs, because clearly he has the training and knowledge for it, while Dr. Fauci does not. 

And finally, Ban the Blog, and ban all blogs (sorry David). 

Does this make you sick like it does us? Here is a way to fight back. 

Use the Word  GAY every day, in as many sentences as you can, especially if you're a lawyer and in court. 

Judge: Good morning counsel. 

Lawyer: It's a GAY day judge. And I'm feeling so happy and GAY. 

The way to beat Putin- and he will be beaten, is to every day and in every way say the word Ukraine and praise the Ukrainian people. Never stop until he is shamed into silence and defeat. 

The same goes for our governor- not that we are making the GAY comparison between our happy and GAY governor and the gray and not GAY Putin. We are not.*

So it is really simple how to beat the Don't Say Gay law. Say GAY all the time. Every day. 

Have a great and happy and GAY weekend. 

* We really are. In every way. 



    Dude, it only bans gay sex talk from ages kinder to third grade. Thereafter have at it!

  2. Lol relax. The bill properly disallows teaching K-3 about any kind of sex. I mean do u really think it's a civil liberties issue for 6 years old to learn from their teachers at school about sexual identity and sexual intercourse and homosexuality? Desantis should call this the anti- groomer bill. And you shoulda read the bill not silly lefty hysteria before posting something this uninformed and absurd.

  3. Re: assigning these books in schools (only G of W had been published by the time I was in high school):
    I read To Kill a Mockingbird when it first came out in 1960. Enjoyed it, but (I was 20 or so) never took away the now-oft-cited "Atticus Finch as hero" bit. I became a lawyer because lawyers were doing the great work during the 60s civil rights active times. As when Nicholas deB. Katzenbach was AG (father of former Herald reporter John Katzenback, btw). Bruce Rogow, Abe Fortas (appted to rep Gideon), Thurgood Marshall, too.
    I could never get into Fahrenheit 451, got about 40 pages in, I guess; too depressing. Besides, we were only a few years past the Holocaust, so the message was pretty clear to me.
    I finally read The Grapes of Wrath as a "mature" adult; it is gut-wrenching on many levels. It certainly would need careful teaching and a lot of context for middle or high school readers to both understand and not be traumatized by. Especially by now, so many decades after the Dust Bowl.
    A 13-year-old client of mine was assigned by her juvenile judge to read I know Why The Caged Bird Sings as a condition of probation. She is of color, he is a white guy from central Florida. Much as I admire Maya Angelou, I have never been able to read this memoir, because I know that a feature of it is her own rape as a child, and I was horrified when I learned of this "assignment," which happened before I got the case on appeal. I still believe it was the only book he had ever heard of that was written by a black woman. (I can't read The Color Purple for the same reason.)
    When I was in high school, we had to read Mutiny on the Bounty (with mention of breasts blacked out in the text), The Old Man and the Sea (where I was embarrassed to read, at 13, about the old man urinating over the side of the boat), and The Yearling, by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. None of them made a bit of sense to me at the time. The whole point of The Yearling (set in rural Florida in the 30s) were especially puzzling.
    The problem with book-banning is that it will invariably reflect the taste and cultural sophistication (if any) of the banners. And whether the authors won the Pulitzer or the Nobel Prize is no guide, in my view (Pearl Buck also won the Nobel, after all.)
    Although you can't go wrong by reading Carl Hiaasen and Dave Barry.

  4. My nephew had Momma pick him up from school one day. The next day Mommy (his other parent) picked him up. His friend asked the teacher why my nephew has two mothers and he doesn't.
    This is a realistic scenario that could cause problems for the teacher and the school.
    This isn't leftist hysteria. This is real life. Get used to it.

  5. Who talks to 8-year-olds about that? The whole thing is the latest in a series of political outrages by this governor and his statehouse lackeys. Geez, one of the sponsors said gay wasn't permanent. Almost every minute of legislative time was spent on legislating culture and similar communist stuff like preventing private businesses from implementing health guidelines for their businesses and transferring the powers and responsibilities of school boards to the governor. Protesting is now a felony so bitch at your peril. You'd think the state had no housing issues or labor shortages.

  6. Jeez. Who gives a shit? Raise your children on your own. The dumb ass governor is a wannabe Trump, Jr. pandering to the masses. We get the leaders we deserve. Don't forget, Hitler was voted into office.

  7. "This is real life. Get used to it." The problem is that Ron DeSantis, the former guy, and the Republicans don't like real life. They want to return to the time when blacks knew their place (menial labor), and gays were deeply in the closet.

    The problem is, DeSantis is in the majority. Folks like you are a dwindling minority.

    Gil Scott Heron warned us:

    "Civil rights, women's rights, gay rights:'s all wrong
    Call in the cavalry to disrupt this perception of freedom gone wild
    God damn it, first one wants freedom, then the whole damn world wants freedom
    Nostalgia, that's what we want...: the good ol' days, when we gave'em hell
    When the buck stopped somewhere and you could still buy something with it
    To a time when movies were in black and white, and so was everything else."

  8. Two threads of analysis:

    First: The religious right fears that teachers will normalize homosexuality before their pre-adolescent students form their sexual identity. That could be a good or bad thing.

    Second: The surest way to get youngsters to start thinking about homosexuality is by making a rule that you cannot speak about it.

    As Bugs used to say, "What a bunch of maroons."

  9. As others have pointed out this is misleading post - very typical of the left. Whats the argument for teaching kids in Kindergarten about gay people? How far should the teaching go? When teaching about transgender issues will the biological differences between men and women be taught or only that how someone feels is important. And yes please fight back. I encourage you to speak to every k-3 student you run into about gay people.

  10. It does matter. What if that kid has two dads or two moms?

  11. If we can't teach 7 yr olds about anal sex then we are no better than Hitler!!


  13. 1033 am read what your wrote. It BANS TALK.

    Cross a line. Head down the drain.

    Why doesn’t it ban talk about guns and shooting people?
    Why doesn’t it ban talk about violence and hatred ?
    Why doesn’t it ban talk about Tom Brady ?

    I mean if we are going to ban speech let’s make a difference in the world.

    1. Come on now old man. You are enlightened we get it. You have come a long way. The thing is as a father of three boys, no sure how I would feel if teachers were teaching my sons in public school about gay sex when they were 9. Or any sex for that matter. I guess I'm still old fashioned. I love gays but there is a time and place for everything. This is just political and much to do about nothing as they say.

  14. @1033 - you don't like the talk it bans, so it's no big deal to you. But what about if it banned talk that you found valuable and important (like gay parents probably find this topic valuable and important)?

    I REALLY don't want teachers talking to my kindergartner about gay or transgender issues. It makes me crazy to think that they will or even might do so. But worse is the idea that them doing so will be illegal. It remind me of a scene from Being the Ricardos (good, but not great, movie) where Desi is surprised that William Frawley (who played Fred Mertz) was supporting Lucy during the communist scandal and Frawley responds "I hate communists, but I hate McCarthy more."

    Freedom is scary. It tests our ability to tolerate speech and opinions that we find most offensive. But if we don't defend that very offensive speech, there is no freedom for our own speech and opinion. Public opinion ebbs and flows, and if we want to enjoy the protections of freedom when we are in the unpopular minority, we have to protect the freedoms of others when we are in the popular majority.

  15. Governor DeSantis and the Republican legislators in Florida can talk about gays, gayness, gay sex, all they want to, until they come up with another topic. It is not going to make anyone gay, including school kids. But if they start talking about hetero sex, that may end up making someone pregnant and then we have a problem Tallahassee.

  16. 2:21 pm: Nobody is saying a teacher is going to teach a 9 year old about gay sex in terms of whose penis goes where. But teachers would be prohibited from discussions about sexual identity which very well could come into play with many 9 years olds having gay parents or siblings. And the fact that you said 'I love gays' shows how old fashioned you really are. At least you're self aware of it.


    "A proposal to keep sex and gender ideology out of lower grade school levels in Florida has strong support among most Americans, according to a new Daily Wire poll.

    The cornerstone language of Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill, HB 1557, is supported by nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults who were told what the bill says, though many survey respondents appear to hold misconceptions about the legislation. Democrats and LGBT activists have inaccurately called it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill in an attempt to smear the proposal and its supporters, claiming it is “hateful” and will “harm” children by banning classroom discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity up to a certain grade-level.

    Many news reports have adopted the “Don’t Say Gay” label as shorthand for the bill and have glossed over how it will apply to only “kindergarten through third grade.” The survey found false beliefs about the bill appear to be common, including that 39% of U.S. adults — and 45% of Democrats — believe the Florida bill bans the word “gay” (it doesn’t) and that 22% believe the bill forces schools to “out” LGBT students (also not true). Another 17% inaccurately believe the legislation would prohibit Florida students from saying they have a gay parent or relative.

    To get a more accurate read on public opinion about the actual Parental Rights bill instead of the straw man built by its opponents, the Daily Wire’s researchers quoted directly from the legislation with the following statement:

    Below is a passage from a new state education law. Please indicate whether you support or oppose it. “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through third grade or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

    Results showed that more than six in 10 Americans (64%) support banning classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, or at any grade level where such discussions are not presented in a manner that is age or developmentally appropriate. Only 21% said they oppose the bill.

    Framed this way, the bill has strong bipartisan support, with 69% of Republicans in favor, 62% of Democrats, and 57% of self-identified independents as well. There was not a significant difference in support among whites (63%), blacks (66%), and Latinos (62%) or by age.

    Further, majorities said it was “inappropriate” for teachers to instruct students in kindergarten through third grade on various sexual orientations (65%) and “inappropriate” to discuss “gender identities, such as transgenderism” (66%).

    More than half of survey respondents (52%) said they support provisions in the Parental Rights bill allowing parents to take schools to court if they believe their children have been taught material related to these topics in a way they believe is inappropriate.

    Additionally, 68% of parents said they support the Florida bill’s classroom instruction regulations.

    “Most Floridians, no matter their orientation, agree that instruction on sexuality and gender theory is inappropriate in grades K-3,” a spokeswoman for Gov. Ron DeSantis said in a statement to the Daily Wire. DeSantis supports HB 1557 and has challenged news reporters who’ve inaccurately described the legislation as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

    The poll was conducted March 12-13 by the market research technology platform Lucid. It had a sample size of 1,000 people that was 37% Democrat, 32% Republican, and 31% independent, with a margin of error of 5% and a confidence level of 95%.

    The post Poll finds strong bipartisan support for Florida parental rights bill among those told what it actually says appeared first on TheBlaze."

  18. Quoting from above: "Freedom is scary. It tests our ability to tolerate speech and opinions that we find most offensive. But if we don't defend that very offensive speech, there is no freedom for our own speech and opinion. Public opinion ebbs and flows, and if we want to enjoy the protections of freedom when we are in the unpopular minority, we have to protect the freedoms of others when we are in the popular majority."


    This also bans the Flintstones theme song. #FascistsTookMyParty
