Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 What makes a federal blogger and top criminal defense attorney go "woo-hoo?"

The appointment of a new federal magistrate naturally. 

Go here to see the exclamation and excitement over your new federal magistrate Melissa Damian being sworn in (" I do solemnly swear to faithfully uphold the constitution of the United States and grant all government motions for pre-trial detention, so help me whomever..."). 

And if you care, there's also an update on a new CARES Act order by the CJ which basically says out of custody clients can use Zoom (or Hulu). 


In case you have an uncontrollable urge to litigate a disorderly conduct with an undersized snook case, here are the zoom addresses for your favourite County Court Judges: 

Virtual Courtroom Directory County Criminal by HR on Scribd


  1. I'm shocked. Today, the Florida Supreme Court ruled in favor of criminal defendants, not once but TWICE.

  2. The feds have now charged a group of defendants with seditious conspiracy for 1/6.

    Simultaneous to this investigation, they have argued at sentencing for various nonviolent trespassers that the violence at the capitol could never have happened but for the large numbers in the crowd, therefore trespassers should be punished not just for their individual actions, but for the violence of the mob.

    Query: is the failure to disclose the existence of a seditious conspiracy to commit violence on 1/6 a brady violation w/r/t the trespassers who have already been sentenced?
