Wednesday, December 15, 2021


" Let's go surfin now; everybody's learnin how;                                                                     come on and go Covid Omicron surfin with me."

With apologies to the Beach Boys, the Omicron Covid wave is cresting and about to hit the shores of the United States. 

If you get the "media advisories" from the SAO, then you will know multiple prosecutors have come down with Covid over the last few days. And yet...having been in the courthouse frequently the last two weeks, we continually see prosecutors in court sans masks. As if they think they cannot get Covid. 

For allegedly smart and accomplished people, they are pretty dumb. 

The CDC is reporting not only two-vaccine Omicron vaccine breakthrough, but booster breakthrough as well. Now, before you lunk heads who are not vaccinated start emailing us about how this proves vaccines are worthless, they are not. The data is that there is significant protection with the booster, and the hospitalization rates for vaccinated people are very low. Trust us, there is a significant difference being home and being miserable and lying in a hospital room as they pump propofol in you as you lose consciousness as you're being intubated, with the knowledge these are most likely your last conscious thoughts for eternity.  Or pretty much the same way you feel waiting to be called in Hialeah branch court. 

So here is the problem. Since Omicron acts like Rumpole on cross (break throughs and breakdowns) then medical personnel are going to be hit as well. Which means when you go to the ER because you're having trouble breathing, and there is a line of 2-3 thousand people ahead of you, and there are no doctors or nurses  because they are home sick, you're going to wish you were vaccinated. 

Meanwhile we want to know what our courts are going to do? 

Federal magistrates have in person hearings. The REGJB is mixed. But lawyers, clerks, litigants and even judges should not be in public during Omicron. 

Other than that, have a happy holiday season. 


  1. Werent you the guy who said we were doomed because we wouldn't have enough ventilators?

    And now you are seriously suggesting our hospitals will be overrun?

    Do you even think we hit 75% capacity?

    I mean, chill with the misinformation bro...

  2. Back to back posts with misinformation..I think rumpole actually thinks Kim k passed the Cali bar! Hahaha she passed something called the baby bar which means nothing basically. Please correct your fake news rump.

  3. 10 am - if we allow this disease to overrun us it will be the apocolypse. Wear a fucking mask and get vaccinated.

  4. Be real. Its with us-forever Stop being so afraid. Vaccinated individuals do not end up on ventilators even with this variant. The world needs to keep moving. Even the surgical masks only catch 10% of the viral particles. At best.

  5. “The world needs to keep moving”, what the fuck does that mean? The world moves in whatever direction it wants and is constantly doing so. Last year some people who had restaurants suffered and the people who made money delivering to homes flourished. You must have an interest in the funeral industry.

  6. The disease is morphing into variants because it wants to live. It can't kill everyone because there would be no hosts, so it is changing and the dominant variant will be very virulent but not as deadly....omicron fits that exactly. But by not getting vaccinated and wearing a mask you encourage this monster to exist. We can only defeat this if everyone got vaccinated and wore a mask so that the disease could not find any hosts. Democracy is the worst form of government in a time of crisis such as this. Fox News and the Republicans, fueled by misinformation and outright lies, attack the efforts to thwart the virus by perpetuating that misinformation and lies. Shame on them. Shame on anyone who cares so little about their fellow man that they would risk everyone by their selfishness.

  7. 10:00: many places were way over 100% capacity multiple times because of the number of extremely sick Covid patients. Despite extreme effort by medical people, and crazy shifting around of patients and resources, people have died from a lack of care because too many were so sick. Some have died from lack of treatment of other conditions that were treatable if their providers were not overwhelmed. Not sure how to know whether anyone died from millions of people not getting regular checkups and routine care. Didn't you see doctors and nurses on TV looking like they were about to collapse from overwork?
