Saturday, November 13, 2021


 We had to postpone our second Friday post due to the untimely indictment of a client. 

In this NY Times article details the book Larry Miller, former Portland Trail Blazers president, and current Nike Executive, has written. In the book, Miller confesses to the 1965  murder of 18 year old David White. Mr. Miller was a sixteen year old gang member at the time of the murder. 

A few thoughts. First, cannot Mr. Miller still be prosecuted for this now-solved murder? 

And second, doesn't the life Mr. Miller led since the killing call into question the current state of criminal justice and the "life-without-parole" sentences?  Shouldn't there be room for redemption in criminal justice? Or are prosecutors and judges looking at this, shaking with anger for all that Mr. Miller got to do instead of being sent to the gulag-USA for his crime? 


Two million people in Europe were diagnosed with Covid last week. Europe's winter surge is upon the Continent, and we are whistling past a graveyard if we think we are not about 3-4 weeks behind Europe. 

But don't make people wear masks in Court because the Supreme Court said you couldn't. 

The US Supreme Court also issued Buck v. Bell, Wickard v. Fliburn, and Plessy v. Ferguson, but no one has the courage to go against wrong rulings. 


  1. "And second, doesn't the life Mr. Miller led since the killing call into question the current state of criminal justice and the "life-without-parole" sentences?"

    If escaped Nazis who lived for decades under aliases didn't kill any more Jews and lived otherwise non-violent lives during their time on the lam, does that call into question the goal of extraditing, incarcerating, and executing them?

  2. Murderers like this guy deserve the gulag. Now isn't too late.

  3. Rump he was prosecuted and served significant time before turning his life around. More here:
