Friday, November 05, 2021


 Because we are Florida, and do not believe in science, and because we are Miami, where #becausemiami trends on Twitter, our Chief Judge, following the administrative order of the Supreme Court, where belief in science and a decent IQ are not prerequisites for serving, but a firm belief that Jesus Christ is the lord and savior, and a membership in the Federalist society are prerequisites, you no longer need to wear a mask in Miami State Courts. 

Doctor: I am afraid you have covid; we need to place you on a ventilator; your odds of surviving are slim; these may be your last conscious moments on earth;

Lawyer: But the Florida Supreme Court said I did not have to wear a mask in Court. This cannot be true....

We do not know what the attitude of our judges are going to be, but rest assured we will NOT appear in any court, or public building where people are not required to wear masks. 

For those of you celebrating this putrid turn of events, we implore you, the next time you need a surgical procedure, please mandate that the surgeon and her staff not wear masks whilst they slice you open. Put your money where you mouth is, since you do not have a brain. 







Following new guidance issued by the Florida Supreme Court and Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava lifting mask requirements, the Honorable Nushin G. Sayfie, Chief Judge of the Miami-Dade Courts, has rescinded mask requirements at all Miami-Dade Courthouses effective immediately. An Administrative Order to that effect will be issued in the coming week.


The use of masks will continue to be encouraged at all Miami-Dade courthouses when individuals are in confined spaces with others.


“While we are in a good place at the moment with respect to COVID-19 transmission rates in Miami-Dade County, we are very much still in the midst of a global pandemic,” Chief Judge Sayfie said.


Those who are unvaccinated also are encouraged to continue to wear masks at all Miami-Dade courthouses, for their own safety as well as those around them.


  1. I know it is hard to fathom personal responsibility and accountability, but I have yet to see anything which generally PREVENTS anyone from wearing a mask (yes there may be exceptions if you are testifying, etc.). But that is the true stupidity warning. As far right leaning as I am, federalist society member and all, I, and many others so categorized, still wear a mask, am vaccinated, and try to stay more than 6 ft away from others especially the idiots who feel "unless the gov't make me do it, I am unable to make my own choices".

  2. What's the issue? If you want to wear one you can Sporting events, concerts, restaurants and other mass-congregating areas don't require masks. I think, after so much time, the position is reasonable. I follow the rules, do no feel that a mask is a big deal, the anti-mask/vax people are nuts and irresponsible yet I do think it necessary to start coming out of this shut- down.

  3. We have an idiot as Chief Judge. Where are the greats such as Ed Cowart, Gerald Wetherington,and Joe Farina.?

  4. There is nothing in this order that says you cannot wear a mask if you want to.

  5. Rumpole, I believe in masks. Use them all the time. I am also fully vaccinated. But what are you going to do in future when a judge in Dade or Broward does not do Zoom and requires in person appearances?

  6. Rump you just want to be able to keep working remotely and bill the same. Wear a mask and go to court. Not a difficult task.

  7. The comments from these ignorant fools who do not believe in science and haven't visited the hospitals lately truly make me sick. Let's just hope Karma exists.
