Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 A 15 year old Sophomore student brought a gun to school today and killed three students  and wounded six others. 

But...guns don't kill people... students in school kill people. 


  1. 15 year olds may not legally possess or purchase guns in Florida.

    So what is your point?

    Ban guns for everyone?

    1. The points is that while guns are not directly responsible for these killings, the proliferation and insane availability of guns greatly increase the chances of illicit use. Too much sugar, too many cars, too high prices, too much food, too much anything is never good. School shootings are way too routine, do you mind if something can be done to curtail it ?

    2. 703

      Too many cars...equals too many car accidents? So restrict the "insane" availability of cars?

      I don't mind if something is done. Just curious of the point of the post.

      How would you restrict the "insane" availability of guns? Make it harder for anyone to get one? You can only get one if you have previously been a crime victim? You have to be over 40?


    3. Yes ban them by constitutional amendment 👀

  2. Our hearts and prayers are with you. Now wait for the next one.

  3. Ban guns except for a”well regulated militia”.

  4. Ban all handguns (including revolvers regardless of action type), as well as all semi-automatic weapons of any kind, and any gun or clip mechanism capable of holding more than 3 rounds. Corking is not an option. No grandfather clauses. Six month buy back amnesty program. After that, possession = felony.

    Ladies and gentlemen, a double barrelled shotgun is a tremendous home defense weapon.

    A bolt action 30-06 will kill that buck every time.

    Don't tell me about guns coming in from Mexico - those guns went to Mexico from the US in the first place. There will undoubtedly be some lag time, maybe a long lag time, but the sooner we stop producing and selling guns for private distribution, the sooner they will be gone.

    Don't compare this to the war on drugs. The guns on the street are not backyard made bullshit like trailer park meth or grow-house pot. The guns killing people are lawfully corporate made and produced. They are finely engineered machines (even the cheap ones). There is no black market backyard gun-smithing industry like their is for the production of drugs (and if one develops, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it). There is also no chemical addiction to gun use that might drive illicit consumption among otherwise law abiding middle class people to fuel a black market industry (or maybe there is - some of you seem irrationally obsessed with your gun collections).

    Finally, don't give me that crap about the 2nd amendment. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The confederate flag crowd is right, the Civil War was about state's rights (and the right of the states to hold humans as property was where the rubber hit the road). The state's rights side lost. The national government won. There are no "free states" and there haven't been for 150+ years. If states aren't free, they don't need a "well regulated militia." The federal government, through its standing armies, handles security in a post Civil War world. The second amendment is a dead letter just like certain sections of Article 1, Section 2. Maybe you don't like that - fine, amend the constitution; let's see how that political process plays out. But don't live in alternate reality fantasy land. There was a war. The states rights side lost. The centralized national government side won. To the victor go the spoils.

    In a few years (maybe it will take a couple of decades - who knows), we can take handguns off of cops too. They can keep all of the stun guns, pepper spray, and nightsticks that they want, and they should have a long gun in the trunk of their car. But once the population at large is unarmed, so should cops be.
