Friday, October 29, 2021


As we end October, what people are talking most about is....climate change? The new spending package? Delta Plus? Nah. It is the proposal by PETA (for whom we have donated time, efforts, and money) that Baseball change the animal-offensive name of "The Bull-pen" to ....(wait for it)....

The ARM BARN! Ta da!

In other news, any guesses as to which of all the court districts in Florida, was first to jump on the no-mask mandate? (Hint, we do not like this circuit). YUP, its Broweird, whose new chief judge eagerly embraced the new rule that people in courts do not have to wear masks. Yes, in Broward, it's June 2021 all over again. 

In Texas, they all up in arms (which means in Texas they are nervously fingering their sidearms) over the issue of Critical Race Theory. Truly, without Googling it, we have no idea what CRT is. And before we go further, speaking of Texas, if you add the sum of the day of the month with the day before, and square it, if the result is a prime number, you can get an abortion in Texas, if it is not a prime number, you cannot. You know what they say about abortion in Texas, it is like the weather in Florida,  if you do not like it, wait an hour, the law will change. 

Getting back to Critical Race Theory, which in 2021, is becoming the new Sharia Law hot button issue, we are imaging the future. Come with us to 2033....

 Facebook National News. Dateline Washington, DC:

A week after her inaugural address, President Tiffany Trump, making good on her campaign promise, announced a deal on funding for the nation's Critical Race Theory Courts, where defendants, who can show they were exposed to CRT in their youth, can be offered a diversion program based on their underprivileged upbringings. The first CRT court will open in Dallas, Texas, at the site of the old Texas School Book Depository, which was destroyed under the orders of President Trump, when it was revealed Ted Cruz's father, using a gun provided by Barrack Obama's father from Africa, shot and killed President Kennedy from the Grassy Noll. 

In other news, Chief Justice Amy  Barrett, writing for a unanimous court, upheld the law 2030 law passed by the Republican dominated Congress banning Twitter. "If you ban President Donald Trump, you get banned, First Amendment or not. And we note, if the First Amendment had the same status of the rest of the Constitution, it would have been in the Constitution, and not some last minute afterthought Amendment."

Some scary thoughts, in line for a scary weekend. 

Happy Halloween. And other than in court in Broward, wear your mask over your nose. 

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