Friday, October 08, 2021


 Why did the chicken* cross the road? 

To get to Federal Court of course!

So here are some captions/tag lines that come to mind: 

"This is a chickensh$t case..."

"Don't you hate it when clients are late for court?"

"He's obviously afraid to go to court..." 

Add your own. Don't chicken out. 

Happy Friday. It's a long weekend. State Courts (in Miami) and Fed courts are closed. 

* Yeah, we know its a rooster. Just play along. 


  1. Of course another day another decision to say nothing about the January 6 defendants. We all knew DOM wouldn't dare say a word because he is a good lib. But rump was supposed to have principles...

  2. There was some chatter in the comments on DOM's site regarding Pryor's newest clerk, but in case you haven't seen it:

  3. Now that covid positivity rates are back to June numbers, can Corrections bring inmates to court again? Ive railed against the need for "arraignments" for years, but the counter argument is always that its 1) important for a defendant to have the process of being formally charged in open court in his presence, and 2) procedurally it makes shit get done (pleas, etc).

    We have neither now.

  4. Escaped from the Chik Fil A.

    or trying to start an insurrection at Chik Fil A

  5. OMG 811 aka putins puppet stop pushing this story, i may have to report you for misinformation, eveybody knows this story has all the hallmarks of a russian disinformation campaign...the texts have not been authenticated. Are you the same stooge claiming the hunter biden emails are real? U are such a dummie

  6. got away?
