Monday, September 27, 2021


 We bounced back in the NFL yesterday, winning our picks, surviving another week in the survivor pool, and scoring the most points in our Fantasy Football week after a disappointing 0-2 start. 

Speaking of the NFL, how many years has it been that the Washington football team has not been able to choose a name? How hard can it be? Nothing racist, nothing offensive... just choose a name. The Washington Gridlocks; the Washington Potomacs;  the Washington Monuments; the Washington budget deficits; the Washington Taxes; The Washington Filibusters; The Washington Whips (our favourite); just pick a name please. 


He's on the loose in Maryland and cannot be caught.  He's actually one of a few Zebras on the loose in Maryland. Query: what do you call a group of Zebras? A Dazzle. Yes, that's right. A Dazzle of Zebras are on the loose in Maryland. 


Speaking of being on the loose, the US Department of State just upped the bounty to fifteen million dollars for Mexican Sinaloa Cartel Boss "El Mayo" Zambada.  El Mayo is 73 years old, a former partner of El Chapo, who is residing in Colorado these days, and is rumored to like his turkey sandwiches on rye with...mayo. 



  1. Apologies! Mustn’t be neglectful of Survival Pool timeliness while on holiday

  2. Can we get some stock tips Rump?

  3. DOM at his blog claims there is a lot of prosecutorial misconduct in the SDFla. Here is my response i just posted there. Undoubtedly he will censor the comment (as you know most libs love to censor opposing and critical comments) so posting it here too.

    Merely saying there is a lot of prosecutorial misconduct is lame. Kinda like when people say defense counsel misconduct is rampant. If you know of prosecutorial misconduct, please identify the prosecutors by name and publicly call for their firing. If you arent willing to do that, you are a phony.

  4. Washington Football Team should be their permanent name.

  5. Big scam. I smell a plot between Andrew Blinken and Reed Hastings. Netflix needs another narco docudrama and Blinken needs, well, a diversion from reality.

  6. The Cleveland Indians played their last game under that moniker yesterday. And Indians is much less offensive than Redskins in my mind.
    Cleveland is goiing with Guardians which has significance for the city but I like the way that it ends with 'dians' like the former name so you can transition logos etc and maintain some continuity.
    So I was thinking Washington Pigskins. But then I thoought animal rights activists might be upset.
    My favorite would be the Washignton ThinSkins.

  7. I king of like the Washington Football Team. Thy should change it to “The Football Team”. Kind of like The U….needs nothing further to say it all.

  8. 1043 that's a fair point and he did not print your comment which shows you were over the target and hit a nerve.
