Tuesday, September 07, 2021


Nothing is forever, and that includes the second best legal blog around.  We are speaking of course, of David Markus's SDFL Blog, which was the first widely read legal blog in this community. We 100% admit that DOM gave us the idea to start our own blog, and for that we are grateful, along with his support over the years. We hear that David is stepping back, being a big Hollywood-podcaster, as well as a sought after criminal defense attorney, he just does not have the time to blog as much anymore. UPDATE: He will blog at times, when certain  federal issues catch his fancy. 

So the bad news is David will not be blogging  very much anymore. No more in depth analysis of the 1982 committee notes about the proposed changes to the Jenks Act, that we have all come to rely upon on those late nights when sleep will not come. 
But the good news is that a new generation of bloggers has stepped up and will be blogging on DOMs platform. Click the same link, but read a cornucopia of blog posts by new blood. It sounds exciting. To quote DOM- he wanted "some new blood". 

Over the years we have come to know David in our real life, as a friend, and fellow lawyer. There is no one better. He always has a smile, and when he is in court he has a steely glint in his eye- the kind of look, attitude, and preparation you want as a client in your lawyer. His wins, along with his wife Mona,  and his partner Margot Moss,  are legendary, and a bit envy-inspiring; if only we could get a case where the government acted so stupidly. But that is not really true. David and his team apply the pressure, the other side cracks.

This is not (thank goodness) a eulogy for DOM; we come to praise him and his ground breaking blog, not to bury him. He will still be practicing law and pod casting and winning impossible trials and appeals. 

He is just apparently tired of being AVIS to the HERTZ of blogs (vague 1970s reference). 

Well done DOM. Well done indeed. 


  1. Thanks very much for your kind words, Rumpole.
    And I admit that your blog is the best. I often wish I was anonymous!
    But I did want to clear up one thing --
    1. The blog is not done. I have added 7 wonderful new contributors to the blog, who will be adding lots of new perspectives and commentary.
    2. I am not done blogging! I will continue to blog and add my two cents, but I figured it was time to add some different voices after 4000+ posts over 16 years.
    So to quote Mark Twain: The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!

  2. Markus’ blog has broken news for a long time.

  3. That blog jumped the shark years ago. A self-promotion gimmick at its finest.

  4. Dom may not be blogging, but he is still censoring perfectly legitimate comments.
