Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 If at first you do not succeed, try, try, again (this time fully masked). 

Our New Chief Judge Sayfie wisely shut down in person hearings after many people were becoming infected and sick with the "Sy Gaer" version of the Delta Variant (always in court, always ready, indefatigable). 

On Monday September 20, 2021 (when hopefully many of us are celebrating the Dolphins being 2-0) the old REGJB will creak open her doors, her floors newly shinned, her escalators under repair, and welcome back the lifeblood of the building-the court staff, corrections, clerks, clients, lawyers and last and least, black robed apparitions who float several feet above mere mortals in the old lady's courtrooms. 

As per Judge Sayfie's order, while court is "abierto"*, you may still appear remotely. In other words, the best of both worlds. 

We are back baby! Shine those shoes. Watch You-Tube videos to remind yourselves how to tie a Windsor Knot (idea for a blog post- what's your go-to tie knot?) or wrap a fashionable ascot,  pick out your best suit or blouse-skirt combo and come back to the courthouse we all love to hate and hate to love, but cannot get out of our blood (skipping all snarky virus comments). 

In all seriousness, Delta kicked our collective ass over the summer, reminding us (well, those of us who are not the Governor of Florida) that this virus is serious stuff and we need to remain vigilant. Very simply- to stay safe WEAR A FREAKING MASK IN COURT- AND THAT MEANS ABOVE YOUR NOSE. 

We implore our Judges to enforce mask requirements and to empower their bailiffs to remove from the courtroom  anyone not wearing a mask THAT COVERS THEIR NOSE.  We do not want to hear any political BS. If a  judge can require a male lawyer to wear a coat and tie in court in the middle of August,  then a judge can require everyone to wear a mask THAT COVERS THEIR NOSE in court. Pure and simple. 

And if that is not the case, then expect Rumpole to show up in August in shorts, a T-shirt, and flip-flops, and really, no one wants to go there.

Welcome back and in light of the occasion we will dust off our original ending to blog posts for many years....SEE YOU IN COURT. 

* Open


  1. How many days ago were you mocking courts for trying cases? Now youre celebrating the re-opening, fully convinced that covid viral particles, tinier than any porous mask, will halt and die in the clothe, rather than polluting the nearly air-tight courtrooms?

    Now imagine someone smoking a cigarette in a courtroom and how quickly you'd smell it when you walked through the double-doors.

    Would your mask make you NOT smell a Marlboro Red? Lol. It's all theater and either we are accepting that everyone in court will breathe each other's air or we are not.

  2. Elections 2022 on the horizon. Who will get a challenger?

  3. Someone tell the county court judges that telling us to appear on zoom with 2-4 days advance notice is not nice and not fair.

    While at it, tell Fred Seraphin that if he doesn't take lawyers out of turn, he will have another contested election next time. Hey Fred, I cannot sit on a zoom session for hours waiting for you to call NVDL pro se cases. I hear the same is true for Lizzette Martinez although, I never seem to wait long to talk with her.


    Pissed off lawyer

  4. Wear a mask in-front of a jury? Although that might give u the advantage, that won’t happen before a great trial judge.

  5. 10:37 forget all the studies showing that masks prevent infection. Just do me one favor. The next time you need surgery, please pick a surgeon who feels like you do and refuses to wear a mask.

  6. Fred Seraphin made me wait 3 hours to get called. Love, another pissed off lawyer.

  7. 814, large studies actually recently showed that the common blue masks are only 10-12% effective and the kn95 white masks are at about 45%. Update your information.

  8. Seraphin is awful.

    Run against him "Broward style," with about 4 opponents. Or just one latin female with a good photo on her campaign poster.

    Easy. Then no more Seraphin.

  9. Wait, so I have a 10% less chance of getting a disease that could kill me or people I love if I transmit it to them…if I wear a shitty mask, and if I wear a good one, my chances are only cut in half?

    Well fuck that…I want my freedom to be an asshole and put myself and others around me at a greater risk.

    I turn the airbag off in my car
    I refuse to wear my seatbelt


    I shoot my gun off into the air on New Year’s Eve!
    I drive 30mph over the speed limit….in a school zone…little fuckers aren’t going to make me late.

    Second amendment….freedom!

    I throw shit from my brickell balcony because it’s fun!
    I shoot off illegal fireworks in my dense neighborhood
    I park in front of fire hydrants
    I leave my glass bottles on the beach

    Fuck you, I’m free!

    I pour dangerous chemicals that harm the ocean down the drain and dispose of my paint in the normal garbage…fuck it…I’m free baby!

    I am an asshole baby, and I love it and fuck you if you don’t.

    Just make sure that I don’t have to pick up the hospital bill if I have to spend a month at Jackson on a ventilator…I pay my taxes, you shitheads should have to take care of me if I am sick.
