Monday, August 23, 2021


 The Delta variant (motto "We love the SAO")  is ripping through the Miami Dade Department of Corrections and Jails as the below stats illustrate:

MDCR reports that 200+ inmates are in isolation and COVID positive.  Isolation lasts about 15 days on average.

MDCR also reports that 1,100 are in quarantine.

MDCR is also asking for a return to the PODS to reduce the daily transport of clients to the courthouse.

Right now they want all corrections cases to be handled first as they need the officers re-deployed back to the facilities. 

They have made video visitation are for 30 minutes a week for clients to communicate with their families.


The draft is Sunday. You got to be in it to get second place.  Just four spots left and they are going fast. 

Her is the link


  1. Corrections want you to never see or talk with your client. Period. End of story.

  2. Yes the one impression I get from visiting Metrowest, where four (4) women sit behind the glass at reception, while phones ring unanswered by any of them, waiting for one of them to interrupt their conversation to attend to me, is that corrections is terribly understaffed.

    To properly man (for, um, lack of a better word) that reception desk, corrections needs at least four more officers.

  3. What happened to the Maria Shohat post?

  4. If 300,000 AFG soldiers will not fight for the rights of their mothers, wives and daughters why should we?

    1. They fought for 20 years along side the United States and it’s allies. They took major casualties. Over 50 thousand dead I think. This issue is about Biden’s plan to get out. Right now he looks weak and disorganized. The intelligence was wrong. Heads need to roll.

  5. 3:51 no one is talking ab0ut fighting. We invaded. We made promises. We reneged and betrayed.

  6. Why is it called "Corrections"? They are presumed innocent, then why need "corrected"? And the low bottom feeders in the law enforcement community have not the educations, or intelligence to try to "correct" anyone. Let's just call them what they are.JAIL GUARDS.

  7. Are we still doing Shumie time? I feel we need to bring it back asap.

  8. Society is perfectly happy to sacrifice guards if it could make prisoner's lives .01% worse
