Monday, June 28, 2021


UPDATE: From Judges having a party in their chambers (Rebull, which makes perfect sense for a "re"opening) to a bailiff (Vic who works with Judge Milian) who made lasagna for the occasion,  (re)opening day was a great success for Circuit Court, while County Court Judges still zoomed ("it's complicated" is the answer we get most often about County Court).  Judges had big smiles on their faces as lawyers, some with masks and some without strolled into court and handled business for their clients. 

As Rumpole always says- quoting an ancient Native American shaman, "the longest journey begins with the first step.

THE REGJB IS OPEN (mostly, sans County Court) for business. 

The elevators have been revamped. The escalators replaced. The Courtrooms freshly painted with new carpet and furniture. The building is, as we say in sea-faring England, in Bristol fashion. 

This is what is known as literary license. What we do know is the doors were unlocked, weapons screening people were at their station, judges were in courtrooms and the business of criminal law in person began anew. Some people were wearing masks, Some were not. Hint- Rumpole will be wearing a mask. 

As we walk through the valley of post pandemic court, the big question is "wither zoom'? 

We advise to be patient. Some judges love Zoom, some do not. Just like some judges read case law, most do not. But mark our words, zoom, like Ethereum, and some STDS, is here to stay.  

We of course remain the repository for anti-zoom judge stories. "Rumpole, judge XYZ in Broward made me drive up from Key West for a PTI acceptance. She would not let us appear by Zoom." 

Meanwhile, send your opening day pictures, and enjoy life returning back to nornal-ish. 

And once again, See You In Court. 


  1. Impressions from the first day back- 1) courthouse was nearly empty-maybe 1/4 of the normal amount of attorneys and still very few from the public 2) Judges generally happy to see us (see how long that lasts) 3) About 60%-40% non masked people 4) Good to finally meet half of the ASA that we have only seen on Zoom or communicated with by e-mail 5) Parking is going to be a nightmare -Lot 18 is torn to shreds and most other options are now gone.

    Oh and I can attest personally that Judges are not setting zoom hearings for minor matters-I had one JA tell ne no when I asked for a status on a case to be held by Zoom

  2. Opening day. Let's pick 6. If Murder one Let's pick 12.

  3. I was there today, it was wonderful to see friends, acquaintances and familiar faces. I saw lot's of potential jurors mulling about in front of the courtrooms. I was before the affable Teresa Pooler and Daryl Trawick and it was a pleasure. You "don't know what you got until it's gone". It was so good to be back. G-d bless all those that worked to tame the pandemic and get us back to normalcy. By the way, the courthouse was pretty quiet

  4. I'm waiting 2 weeks to see who tests positive... Until then, I'm getting coverage.

  5. Yes, Pooler and Trawick-two wonderful judges. Smart, experienced but with good vibes always towards everyone!

  6. Pooler has been a huge pandemic disappointment.
