Friday, April 16, 2021


 We know what you're thinking...but it's not a Judge whose name begins with a Z.

County Court Judge Mike Mirabal resigned Friday afternoon in the face of some very serious JQC allegations that carried over from a Bar complaint that was pending when he was elected- so much for the educated discernment of Miami-Dade voters. 

More on this as it breaks. But we have verified this with multiple- very political sources. 

Judge Mirabal- took office  January 5, 2021- resigned: April 16, 2021. 

Quite the tenure. 


  1. Does he still get a pension?

    1. Once he vests, it will be commensurate to his tenure. $0.07 a month.

  2. No pension bu the real issue is if he makes $600 an hour mediating civil cases and gets to put "judge" before his name when making reservations at every hot shot restaurant in town.

    1. Any judge that makes reservations that way should be removed from the bench

  3. Any word on the JQC allegations? I’ve heard all types of crazy stuff about this guy—bad news all around him.

  4. When is something official and on the record going to come out? Press is totally mum on this.

  5. If you’d looked at his campaign poster, you would’ve known this guy was a clown.

  6. Sam Slom needs to come back and start issuing warrants for everyone who is in the hospital sick with Covid.

  7. The bottom line is that nobody cares about this deeply flawed individual, does it matter that he committed and admitted to multiple counts of mortgage fraud. The man likes to file QCDs just not necessarily on time. Does it matter that he lied repeatedly on his JNC application and failed to disclose multiple judgments against him. Does it matter that he used quick claim deeds to try and rob his sister of her inheritance (litigation still on going). Does it matter that he filed a false deed in lieu of foreclosure? Does it matter that he used his ability as a lawyer to just remove his business partner by filing a false corporation document, got caught, got sued, lost and still didn’t pay the judgment until her lawyer seized his bank accounts. Does it matter that he faked his campaign financial documents. Who cares? good riddance to a bad man. The problem is that all of this was public record and nobody cares enough about county court judges. He had the chutzpah to run with an open bar complaint because he counted on nobody caring.

  8. From what 7:59 says above, this former judge is a shoo-in for Miami City Commission!!!

  9. Based on what 7:59 says, he should be prosecuted to the fullest possible extent and thrown in jail. This guy is out of control! He is a menace to society!

  10. Martin Zilber is in deep trouble. He has documented all his travels on social media and in court has demonstrated he is inept. He is known as a "grabber" to with a questionable marriage as she is too sweet on the ladies. What he did to his JA is terrible. Lying to the court and plainly being dishonest. If he is not removed we can be clear the State of Florida is pro-Anglo. Zilber must go! This is a huge warning to the terrible abusive judges in the circuit.

  11. I could be wrong but Zilber has either sanitized or restricted access to his FB account. Can anyone confirm? Also, in his IG account he has at least one photo of a young child’s face in an adoption proceeding. Assuming he did not have the mother’s consent to publish the photo (although he could always ask his new JA to fabricate one), aren’t adoptions confidential and closed to the public? Isn’t this another example of this guy’s poor judgement?

  12. @ 10:57am AMEN. Too many abusive judges out there. Heed the warning. I hope other JAs come forward. Nows the time.

  13. So how many Miami-Dade judges, like Martin Zilber, who abuse their power or are abusive to the public are currently on the bench? Just wondering...
