Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 There are ten people who are dead today who were alive yesterday when they went shopping in Boulder, Colorado. One of those who was murdered was Boulder Police Officer Eric Talley- 51 years of age, he leaves SEVEN children to grow up without a father.  Officer Talley was THE first responder- the first officer on the scene, arriving to protect his fellow citizens, he paid with his life. 

People who object to any governmental controls over the sale of firearms will often argue that the way to protect against mass murder spree shootings is to arm more people. 

Here is our response- Officer Talley was armed. He was trained. And he was murdered in cold blood by a person with an AR15 rifle. 

This shooting comes as we barely began to raise our flags that were at half mast for the victims of the shootings in Atlanta. 

Enough is enough. 

We now take our lives into our hands when we go to the supermarket, a movie theater, and all too tragically- a school. 

There is a virus loose. There is a pandemic that indiscriminately kills innocent citizens, police officers, and children. And it is called FIREARMS.  

Why do we willingly devote billions of dollars to use our best and brightest people to create a vaccine in record time to protect us against Covid19, and not spend one dollar to stop gun violence? 



  1. People who think that you solve gun violence by arming more people are the same people that think you solve traffic by building more roads. Both are wrong. You solve traffic by getting cars off the road. You solve gun violence by eliminating guns.

    And don't get me started on your "right to bear arms." That right had everything to do with the "well regulated militia" and the "free state" ("A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."), and nothing to do with your right to carry a gun in your fanny pack when you go to Publix. Plus, we had a whole war about whether or not states are free, and the states' rights side lost that war. There are no free states.

    You want a gun for home defense or hunting? Ok. Most reasonable people can agree with that, or at least live with it in compromise. The single most effective home defense weapon is a shotgun, either a double barrel or a pump action. All but the most niche firearms hunting is done with one of those style shotguns or with a single action bolt rifle. Handguns and semi-automatic firearms of any kind should be immediately banned from production, import, or export, and should be subject to an immediate compulsory buyback.

    Oh, but you need your handgun because what if the government should become oppressive and you need to rise up against government oppression? Get real. If the US military decides to comply with orders to fire on civilians, your Glock handgun ain't shit. You'd need an M2 and some RPGs to even make it through the day in that fight - do you really believe that those should be legal? Fight government oppression by voting for people who believe in the rule of law.

    1. Do u have any idea how much a compulsory buy back would cost? I need a handgun to protect me from lunatics who might want to hurt me or my family. Not just in my house but in my car. And I’m sure all the criminals will turn in their guns. Ur just in case they don’t u can’t take away my handgun. That’s silly. . I got not problem with banning ak57s and other assault rifles. The lunatics will uses shotguns ...

  2. 3:35 PM, Outstanding Post BRAVO!!!

  3. Firearms is not a pandemic. Criminals who do not respect the rights of others and commit crimes with firearms are the real plague.

    If an oppressive U.S. government orders the U.S. military to fire on civilians, their weapons are no more effective against the American people than they were against Afghans, Iraqis or Vietnamese.

    You don't fight government oppression by voting for people who believe in the rule of law because there are neither free elections nor rule of law in oppressive governments. The stupidest thing a free person can do is cede rights and give more power to governments which will result in irreplaceable and irreversible loss of liberty.

  4. The only governments that take guns away from good citizens are communists and fascists. What we need is better enforcement or our already strict gun laws. We need better background checks, including psych issues, not just criminal. Save the Publix Fanny-pack jokes for less serious topics.

  5. How do background checks and mental health conditions take guns away from "good citizens."

  6. Dear March 24, 2021 6:18:00 AM;

    You make a good point. The notion that the kind of governments "that take guns away from good citizens are communists and fascists," is sound. What you don't understand that all you gun nuts who want to walk around strapped, ready to take the life of your fellow human at the drop of a hat, are not good citizens. You are horrible. You cannot go a week without murdering folks in a crowd. The lust for murder which motivates you to fondle your firearm and dream of killing makes you exactly the person a rational government will forcibly disarm.

    The only people who should be allowed firearms are folks who don't want to use or carry them.

  7. Sorry, but it is neither fascist nor communist to ban the production and possession of military grade firearms by non-military personnel.

  8. 8:37:00 PM, AR-15's are not "military grade firearms", they are civilian firearms. M-16's and M-4's are military, selective-fire assault weapons.

  9. 11:48 said: "The only people who should be allowed firearms are folks who don't want to use or carry them." That's the immense majority of gun owners.

  10. The criminal defense lawyer who doesn't have a convicted felon client who obtains guns illegally in the streets, please, cast the first stone.

  11. The Republican Party is fighting hard to make sure that terrorists and lunatics can purchase and use military weapons. In the 90s these military grade guns were illegal and “ communists” didn’t take over. Lunatics will still act, but a single action six shooter will substantially curtail the ability to kill large numbers of people and overwhelm the police. Ted Cruz and his ilk are defending and arming these nut jobs every day.

  12. Isn't it interesting that when these mass shootings occur no one on the frontlines of the problem, people in court every day, judges, pd, Sao etc., are consulted? As long as our society let's the inmates run the asylum the problem will continue. In conclusion for about the 10th time on this cite our nation gets a failing grade in raising, protecting, educating, nurtering our children. Why does our society allow 1.4 children a year quit school, the supply for the court system and jails.?

  13. 7:43, in the 1990's, cosmetic features on civilian-grade semiauto rifles were banned. After the ban expired, the feds did a study that concluded that the ban had no impact on crime or, if it did, it was too small to measure.
