Monday, January 25, 2021


 Item: The music from the 1970's is the best. Period. We will not entertain any additional motions for rehearing or reconsideration. 

We were listening to Sirius/XM's 70s on 7, as is out wont on Sunday, when we heard the familiar first notes from The Three Degrees "When Will I See You Again?" hit,  and we began to wonder which of our favourite judges in the REGJB are humming that same tune? 

When should trials begin again? (As Judges Soto and Sayfie reach for their shot glasses, as they have had their fill of us on this point,  we press on). 

Initially, March seemed like a good target date. But then the feds screwed up the vaccine distribution. Actually that's not true. The feds had NO plan for vaccine distribution until we got POTUS46 and now they are admirably scrambling to come up with something. They are even scrapping the bottom of the proverbial barrel with the FDA's approval of the use of a special syringe to wring a sixth shot out of the vial of five doses (for which Pfizer, which negotiated a per dose charge with the feds, immediately sought to renegotiate their payments for six doses per vial, not five. What are civil lawyers for if not to get an additional 20% for their client out of a deal?). 

Then the virus mutations became troubling. The virus is now more contagious. Just ask anyone in California. The new and more contagious British strain  may also, as per British PM Johnson, be more than 30% more deadly. President Biden has warned and intoned that our darkest virus days are before us. 

This is no time to say "enough" and ask trial lawyers to emerge from their den of virus hibernation and stand up on their hind legs and wobble into court Ursine-like. 

It is always  darkest before the dawn, and we humbly suggest to our chief judges, state and federal alike, that it is wise to wait just a wee bit more. Let the lawyers and judges and clerks and officers and court reporters and jurors get their two vaccines. We still need to socially distance (best thing about covid-19 is that we can now claim social distancing and never be in close proximity to a black robe again) and wear masks, but once we are jabbed, let's pick six.  That next "not guilty" may well be the sweetest, but aren't they all wonderful? Does not a rose by any other name smell as sweet my dear Montague? 

Until we are all safely jabbed, renew your Netflix (the new HBO Max is great!) , stay home a bit more,  and send us the bill, and enjoy the song. 

(We  will do a little talk up for ya..... That was "Car Wash" coming at ya on WIOD the wonderful isle of dreams. It's a beautiful day in Miami, the Magic City, and at 11:07 in the morning, it's not only 77 degrees going to a high of 80, but it's The Three Degrees and When Will I See You Again? [guaranteed we would have hit the post] ).  


  1. I’m begging you RUMPOLE. No, WE are begging you.

    Please give us your STOCK MARKET annual post with your recommendations and guidance.

    Tell us if we should buy, sell, hold Tesla, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Bitcoin.

    Help us Sir. Do we trade in our vintage Rolex collection and buy buy buy?

  2. 80's music is best, Rumpole. Admit it.

  3. Have you seen Lurvy doing Dylan?

  4. Rump,
    Beatles or Stones?

  5. Edelstein is quite the rocker as well.

  6. 60’s was music at its most artistic. This is because it had yet to be associated with boatloads of money

    70’s was when promoters realized lots of money could be made. Records started selling in previous unheard numbers. Capitalism took over ruining the spirit of rock n roll hence punk ).

    80’s had the over commercialism in full bloom The manufactured image had always been there but now the media was shoving down throats. There was some great music but also horrible lows ( top 40 becomes the nadir for art)

    90’s. History repeats with clearly defined genres ( hip hop, allt, metal ) distancing themselves from the mainstream

    20’s. File sharing kills fidelity and the industry

  7. Rumpole. The 4th impeachment trial in U.S. history and the blog in the city with arguably the best defense bar in the country and nothing about how to prosecute or defend the case on the blog. What is more important? How Green Bay screwed up over the weekend?

  8. @11:02

    The impeachment "trial" isn't a trial. It is political theater. Biden even admitted yesterday that it will come down to party lines and that there are not the needed 17 republican votes to convict. All, or nearly all, of the "jury" of senators who will be voting on conviction or acquittal will be voting based solely on whether or not it hurts or helps their chances at reelection. There is no reason for a blog dedicated to criminal defense to waste a moment of thought on this. Far better for a blog dedicated to marketing, advertising, and polling to take up that conversation.

    (it's a shame that this needs to be said, but I am no Trump supporter - far from it. But I am a realist.)

    But hey, we're all here to read what Rumpole says and then to flame each other in the comments section over it. So what the heck, have at it Rump.

  9. Representative Grieco proudly sent a link to FACDL concerning a committee meeting on Covid. The idiot (and the dummy next to him apparently following his lead) removes his mask despite being within close proximity to other representatives. Really???? As Justice Canady laments the difficulties we all face? Really??? Only good news is that he was texting the whole time so hopefully his germs settled in his lap.


  10. The Captain Reports:



    Two individuals who worked in the locations and on the dates listed below have tested positive for COVID-19.

    Persons identified as having been in close proximity to the confirmed individuals are being notified and will be asked to take all necessary precautions.

    Individual #1 - Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building, 1351 NW 12 St.:
    Courtroom 6-8
    Room 500
    Room 610
    8th Floor AOC (Administrative Office of the Courts) office

    Last date worked: Jan. 21, 2021

    Individual #2 - Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building, 1351 NW 12 St.:
    Room 119

    Last date worked: Jan. 21, 2021

    Persons who were in these locations recently should follow self-monitoring steps for the next 14 days as outlined in the Centers for Disease Control website at:
