Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 PODS have been explained. They caused us confusion a few posts ago when we posted the zoom numbers for Judges. Judges also have Pods. We could not understand why. Then  a long time reader filled us in. It is really poddenly simple, poden the pun. 

Pods are for in custody defendants. Apparently the jails only have so many zoom outlets and therefore to close out a case with an in-custody defendant a Judge needs to use a Pod. 

Pod explained. They could have called it "in custody zoom hearings" but the self explanatory nature of the nomenclature (say that five times fast) is too simple for use. 

At 45 seconds: "They're like huge sea pods" 

Invasion of the Body Snatchers. 1956. 


  1. The DV judges inevitably are the worst at managing online court. It's as if the zoom era began today, with the confusion over how to call cases, the obliviousness to lawyers needing to be in separate courtrooms, the gall to set hearings at 9AM and appear on screen at 10:30, only to fail to address privates out of turn, to ignore the utility of the chat function, and no sense of how to anticipate a longer case ("Judge, we have to take this convoluted plea with a Ukrainian interpreter who is not on the line, and my client should arrive shortly") so that it might be addressed after the quick items.

    This ought not be that hard; we've had nearly a year to learn how to do this.

  2. Sadly, several criminal court judges are as bad.
