Thursday, January 21, 2021


 "Let his name be spoken nevermore." 

The 45th President of the United States tested the edges of our Democracy. The leader of a cult personality, he rallied a segment of our country with lies pandering to their racists beliefs fostered by their disaffection of their failed lives -precisely because they are uneducated racists.

He bent Democracy, but he did not break it. Democracy survived and will emerge stronger. 

He has been banned by Twitter, the sword of his attacks and lies. 

And now we commit to never speaking or writing his name again. The worst punishment that can be meted out to this narcissistic sociopath is to be made irrelevant, ignored and forgotten. He shall be forever known as the former failed President, or POTUS 45. Nothing more. 

Speaking of which, POTUS 45 did indeed leave a note for President Biden. AND WE HAVE IT.

Dear Joe: 

Woops! My bad. How about a pardon and getting me back on Twitter? Think about continuing the wall. Mexico will pay. Ignore Covid. It will magically go away. I'm gonna do the Apprentice again. Think about promoting it. I need some cash. Try and release that stuff on Kennedy. The CIA never let me. Fascinating stuff there- no one has ever seen anything like it people are telling me.  That's all I have. Drop the mic and walk away. 



  1. Is Trumpism fake news?

  2. It's my country and I'll cry if I want to, you would cry too if did it to you.

  3. I hope I never see or hear from that orange asshole again.

    How could any reasonable person like him.

    1. It’s called the economy ... stupid!

  4. You’re a liberal hack! You suck.

  5. Dear Mom, we have been over this before. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from commenting on the blog.

    Your Son,
    H Rumpole,Esq. Blog. Proprietor


  6. The Captain Reports:



    An individual who worked in the locations and on the dates listed below has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Persons identified as having been in close proximity to the confirmed individual are being notified and will be asked to take all necessary precautions.

    Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building, 1351 NW 12 St.:
    Courtroom 1-5 on Jan. 21, 2021
    Courtroom 2-3 on Jan. 13, 2021
    Courtroom 4-2 on Jan. 14-15 and 19-21, 2021
    Room 400 on Jan. 13-15 and 19-21, 2021
    Room 7100 on Jan. 14-15 and 19-21, 2021
    1st floor Building Manager’s Office on Jan. 21, 2021

    Last date worked at Gerstein Building: Jan. 21, 2021
