Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 Dawn Wells, Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island has died from a Covid related illness. She was 82. 

2020 cannot end soon enough. 


  1. That sucks. She was so much hotter than ginger.

  2. And this guy didn't want to wait for COVID to run its course.

    What has become of attorney family life?

  3. Since I was an adolescent, all one had to ask was the other fellow was: "Ginger or Mary Ann?" The answer told you a lot about the guy.

    I was then and always will be Team Mary Ann.

    RIP Ms. Wells.

  4. Mary Ann and Gilligan’s Island.

    Cap Out .......

  5. Every male baby boomers favorite drinking topic. And for those over 55, no explanation needed

  6. The ultimate decision, to have a pretty trophy who you will have to bribe for any sex and cheat on for good sex and if she gives you children wants a nanny to raise them OR a very good looking athletic woman who won't be a bitch, will be great sex and a good mother. Unfortunately too many pick the trophy divorce court alimony and a life that Sam Kinison made a career documenting.

  7. When a woman dies, men think it's high praise to say how much they masturbated while thinking of the deceased.

  8. Mary Ann was sweat and kind. We need more of her in our world.

  9. If you're a baby boomer, you had an affinity for Mary Ann and followed Dawn Well's career. Even into her 80's , she retained her "Mary Ann" looks and appeared to be altruistic. I can't believe masturbation, trophy wives and alimony seeped into an innocent tribute to a beloved pop culture figure. Some of you are so catty, insensitive, wound up too tight or just plain old mean. There is such a lack of civility in today's society

    1. Then why cast 2 totally different women and write the show to accentuate their differences. At least 1/2 the audience was tuning to watch the women and Mary Ann always seemed to have her legs and belly exposed. Do you criticize the way she helped denigrate women.? Why is this s hit even posted? I hope you are not working on serious felony cases. You are at the outer core of the onion with flaky dead brown skin in your hand. Your analysis is superficial. Mary Ann was A thinly disguised sexpot.

  10. I'm sure both Dawn Wells and Tina Louise would have preferred more empowering and compelling roles during their careers. But most actors and especially most actresses rarely get that kind of leverage. Beggars can't be choosers. For most actors, it's either take the part offered...or go hungry. Dawn Wells and Tina Louise knew they were playing eye-candy to titillate male viewers and they probably didn't like it all the time. But they weren't the first or last women who had to do degrading roles to pay their rent. And it's not like playing these parts brought lasting riches to either actress. Tina Louise later blamed the show for ruining her career. Dawn Wells had to resort to GoFundMe during her final years.

    She doesn't deserve condemnation for denigrating women any more than the women who have to work in strip clubs to pay for baby formula. If you want to condemn the denigration of women, blame the men who fuel the demand for such denigration.

    1. If you had a penis and woke up with erections from age 12-30 then you would have a clue, your honors the.

  11. Holy crap, it's early 60's "Gilligan's Island", lighten up ! If ya got it then show it off; if you can profit from it, then go for it. You can't use 2021 standards to judge a almost 60 year old show.

  12. Plenty of women were being exploited back in the early 60's and earlier. For some people, it's not a matter of freely deciding to show it off and profit from it. For some it's show it off or be unemployed. And once you're no longer considered attractive enough and people won't pay for you to show it off, it's off to the trash heap for destitute decrepit people.
