Monday, November 30, 2020


First a final thought about Sally Weintraub, who passed away last week. We profess blindness to the issue of sexism in court and our legal community. Yet sexism exists and existed, as real and pervasive as racism. Perhaps we have failed in not recognizing  and giving credit to those women lawyers who broke glass ceilings and were heroes by doing nothing more than quietly going about their work in a professional manner. If you read the comments in the prior post about Sally Weintraub, what stands out is that she was that hero and role model to many young women entering the legal field. Such recognition is needed and well deserved. Ms. Weintraub served this community for 35 years, speaking up for victims, many of whom could no longer speak for themselves. But in retrospect, there was a different and just as important service Sally Weintraub performed in her career. Breaking a glass ceiling and being a major crimes prosecutor and top litigator in this community as a female lawyer. Whatever small part we have played in giving her that recognition, we are gratified that the community of women lawyers who had their careers shaped by Ms. Weintraub took the time to leave a comment. It makes this endeavor worthwhile.  


In our world, by definition, a misdemeanor is not an emergency. But then a Domestic Violence set of procedures for NON-EMERGENCY cases crossed our email, and being the devoted non-public servant, we thought perhaps we should post it. 

DV Non-Emergency Misdemeanor Motions Procedures by HR on Scribd

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