Monday, November 16, 2020


 There is a new twist in the Broward State Attorneys' prosecution of NFL player Deandre Baker- a former first round pick of the New York Football Giants. 

The Broweird SAO- which NEVER drops any case, even against an innocent defendant, ended the prosecution against Deandre Baker because the three complaining witnesses signed identical affidavits in which they said they did not see anything and that it did not matter because they were not robbed. 

Their lawyer however- one William "Bill" Dean WAS ARRESTED and charged with extortion. BSO has released a statement alleging that Dean told Baker to pay his clients $266,000.00 each and that their stories would change and that they would stop speaking with the prosecution. 

This is also the SECOND accusation of witnesses being paid off in this complicated case. originally a second NFL player had been arrested in the case- Seattle Seahawks Cornerback Quinton Dunbar. However Dunbar's case was dismissed in connection with a video showing witnesses being paid off in Dubar's attorney's offices. 

QUERY: when did paying off witnesses become the norm in criminal defense? What about depos and motions? Or are we helplessly old fashioned? 

So to recap- defendant's case dismissed. Lawyer for complaining witnesses arrested.  It's Broward. Anything can happen....and usually does. 


  1. Does this mean that the cops are moving in on Grieco? Seems like it

  2. Not a totally Broward thing. Bill Dean ( a former Miami SAO) is a Miami-Dade County lawyer

  3. Unless Grieco set up Dean.

  4. I think this absolves Greico if anything. William Dean is a moron. Why he would get himself involved in this is crazy. File a complaint and sue Baker for intentional infliction of emotional distress. Then enter a confidential settlement where the victims can say whatever they want in whatever affidavit of their choosing. That is the legal way to do a payoff.

  5. I like Bill Dean. WTF was he thinking?

    Boy is he getting disbarred. Machin v. Bar.

  6. Dean has always been an all talk meathead

  7. 10:24 Maybe that is what he did.

  8. If you know Bill Dean or Mike grieco, this stuff does not surprise you. I was an ASA with both. This does not surprise me.

  9. It's funny how Rumpole allows posts bashing Greico and Dean, but censors posts calling out the cabal of death penalty wheel lawyers are raping the JAC and giving their clients awful representation. Just goes to show that there's nothing more sacred and protected in this world than old white men.

  10. I am not protecting anyone other than the reputations of people against who there have been charges of criminal conduct with no case filed. So in the DP JAC emerging scandal, I would note that I REPORTED IT. If I was covering it up, I would have ignored it. If someone is arrested I will report that and everyone can have their say. But if they are not arrested I am not going to put their names in the blog so it comes up whenever anyone googles their name.

    As to Dean he was arrested- so that's an easy call.

    As to Grieco his name was prominently displayed in multiple newspaper articles so I am not promoting anything that anyone does not know.

    Am I perfect? As shocking as this may seem, no. I am not. But I am trying and balancing newsworthy issues and people's reputations. Such is the yoke that an award winning blogger carries.

    1. You are a clever left wing gossip opinion writer who has found the perfect platform, behind the curtain of anonymity. You are a lot better at this then picking stocks! Keep at it Lone Ranger!

  11. Left-right positioning is subjective. I think the “balancing” and the fairness of the approach is what tipped 10:26 that you were to his left. Save for child murderers and pederasts, there is not much space at his right.
