Tuesday, October 13, 2020


 Has there ever been a regular season NFL game on a Tuesday night before? Well, there is one tonight. Your undefeated Buffalo Bills play the Coviud-19-Titans. 

We are taking the Bill -3.5 and under 53. 

Anybody have any info on what's going on in the REGJB? Oh wait- it's closed to the public. 

What about the Feder....never mind, it's closed too. 

Civil closed (but no one realizes it). Family closed. Juvie closed. 

Probate OPEN because by the time you need it you're dead anyway!! 

Thank you, thank you.  I'll be at the Comedy Store all week. And coming up next is a very funny guy who I think you're really going to enjoy....


The feds have done away with certificates of service?  The Cm/ecf  stamp is proof of when it was filed. 

Time for the State to follow suit since we also have electronic filing. 

Yes with nothing else to do with our time,  we are going to champion the cause! DO AWAY WITH CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE 

Right behind Covid and Global Warming, it is  our top issue. 


  1. The Clerk's Office on the 9th floor at REG has had many cases of Clerks getting COVID over the last few weeks, yet none of them have come out in those "Media Advisory" emails.... Why are they hiding it? Why are they still making all of the Clerks come to the Covid Courthouse everyday and infect each other and their families when their jobs can be done remotely? Where is Harvey Ruvin? No sightings of him anywhere near REG. Truly disgusting leadership.

  2. They did away with certificates of service years ago. DOM blogged about it when it happened. You’re a little late to be a champion of this bruh.

  3. If the 9th floor is really awash in covid, the whole building should still be shut down. Every piece of paper is touched and breathed on by someone on 9.

    And half of them then load up a cart and wheel around the rest of the floors. Then they sit three feet from two podiums and breath on -- and get shouted over -- by attorneys.

  4. Shumoe and the Q argued against cert of service since the first electronic filing came on

  5. Fake Judge Elect Rosy AponteWednesday, October 14, 2020 2:25:00 PM

    This is awful news. A tificate of service is one of thee most imprtant parts of any document for the judge to see when the motin was filed so that lawyers who do not work hard can say they filed it when they didnt and then an experinced judge like me can see thet they didnt and then I can rule aganst them because most of the crimnal motions have strit time deadlines like we did when i was the very experienced civil lawyer before being elevted to sircuit court judge like me myself am now.
    I will appele this as a judge to the appllas court in miami and talllasshhee and will win.

    Also if peple want to hire me now be4fore i am myself being the judge it is 1-800-hustle-cases now toll free and free consulteations if you cign the retainer with one of my specilally trained and skilled paralegals. call now. "Rosy got me $8,000 on my wroingful death case" is one of my big omg billboreds around town now.

  6. Please sign a contract pay her whatever Fake Rosy is pure genius! Need her everyday

  7. So do I go to the 9th floor to view files on Friday as I planned? Since nothing is online it’s pretty hard to do my job without doing so. But I don’t want to get Covid.

  8. I think the Rosy posts are crossing further to racist...and continue to be just plain mean. I was no fan of her running, but hope that we will give her a chance to show that she is thoughtful and fair.

    Defense attorneys should not be picking on to somebody like this, let's keep it a little bit better, and wait till she fucks up to start trashing her.

  9. Hey judge candidates, winners and losers.


    Drive around and you will notice that almost three months after the election, many still have signs up. I still see Perkins, Aponte and Mirabal signs up.

    Show some respect for the law and get in your own fucking car and take down your signs.
