Thursday, October 01, 2020


 {cue Jaws music} JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO GO BACK INTO THE COURTROOM.....(more Jaws Music)... On Thursday the Governor, sans mask, appointed Judge Rebull to the Circuit Bench. To make it work, we think he has to resign his current spot and then assume the new spot. 

On the same day...and we do not believe in coincidences, The Florida Supreme Court REINSTATED Alex Michaels. 

What a day! 

First, we applaud the appointment of Judge Rebull. We have written before that Judge Rebull is a good judge who made a mistake and we believe learned from it. Let he who has not chastised a pro se litigant cast the first stone- we always say. He now has the opportunity to be a great judge and we are thrilled he has the chance. Second chances are good- are you listening circuit court judges in the criminal division? People make mistakes. They learn from them. Everyone does not need to go to prison for the max- despite the ASA saying like some robot "victim wants the max". Would you just once want to hear a prosecutor say "victim wants two years less than the thirty year max"? 


There is no more passionate advocate for his client than Alex Michaels. He wins first degree murder cases-many of them. Sometimes he goes to jail in the process. But he saves his clients. We also think, like Judge Rebull,  he has learned from his mistakes. There are ways to win without crossing lines and we think Alex will do great. 

BTW if you're not following us on Twitter @Justicebuilding you are missing some real gems. 

For example: If you do not follow us on Twitter you missed this gem: 

All those Russian girls trying to hook up with American men online is really just Putin messing with our erections.


  1. Reprinted, with permission from The Captain:

    CAPTAIN JUSTICEThursday, October 01, 2020 5:22:00 PM





    Today, Governor "NO MASK" DeSantis appointed Judge Rebull to replace Judge Alexander Bokor who was elevated to the 3rd DCA.

    Rebull was selected from a list of six nominees that included: Karl Brown, Victoria Ferrer, Ayana Harris, Melissa Visconti, and Diana Vizcaino.

    What makes this appointment even more head-scratching is that, unlike the normal appointment process, where the Governor takes most if not all of the 60 days to name the new judge, in this case Judge Rebull was selected only 12 days after the six finalists' names were sent to the Governor's office.

    In all the years that I have been covering judicial appointments, since 2005, that is the earliest turnaround I have ever seen.

    Welcome back to the bench Judge Rebull or better said bienvenido de nuevo a la corte.

    CAPTAIN OUT .......

  2. Rebull learning from his mistakes. Give me a break!

  3. Same thing happened w Fleur Lobree. Lost county election appointed to Circuit. Lost Circuit election appointed to Third DCA. If she could become the first judge to lose a retention election on Third I see Florida Supreme Court in her future.

  4. Slap in the face to the voters. I hope they throw him out again next time he's up.

  5. Dats right! I'm. baaaack! And already I am ready for trial. Lets pick six I ain't no scared of no bullsheeeet virus. I swim a river to escape communism. Dis Bar vas easy for me.

  6. Fake Alex Michaels is every prosecutors worse nightmare. An aside. If it takes two elections to get rid of trump, rebull should take his first loss at reelection only to harness the sacred shield of reappointment with caution. He’s probably already planning for his next election. Good for us beggers? Hope so.

  7. Rebull’s reappointment is Rebullshit.
