Monday, October 19, 2020


 We give you, loyal blog readers, a peek behind the curtain to see the Great OZ and how the sausage is made. 

On November 4, 2020, the day after election day, we will have one of two opening lines to the blog post. Before we reveal them, we should examine opening lines. Great novels and great writers have great opening lines. "Call me Ishmael" is the opening line for Moby Dick, a novel we are decidedly unenthused about and believe to be one of the most overrated novels of all time. 

Better opening lines for better books are "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times" for Dickens' a Tale of Two Cities. "Lolita, light of my fire, fire of my loins" in Nabokov's Lolita. "Through the fence, between the curling flower spaces, I could see them hitting." The Sound and The Fury by Faulkner. "Howard Roark laughed." The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. "All this happened, more or less." Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five. 

Next let's consider who will win. This statistic from the Democratic super-PAC Priorities USA: If Biden gets just three percent less from white working voters than he is now getting, and if just four percent of people of color do not vote then the electoral college vote is Biden 257, Trump 239, with Nevada, Michigan and Pennsylvania too close to call. 270 is needed for a win. For those of you who care, President Trump may well win Florida, which is a big problem for Biden. Florida is a statistical dead heat at the moment. We have seen insider polling.  So this election is far from over. 

Here is what we are currently thinking of opening the blog with, depending on who wins: 

Trump Win: "The End Of Democracy As We Know It Occurred In The United States Yesterday..."

Biden Win: "Our Long National Nightmare Is Over." Those of you who are of a certain age and historically acute (meaning not 98% of our robed readers) will recognize those words as the start of the peroration in President Gerald Ford's inaugural speech  as he addressed the nation for the first time after taking the oath of office.    

You see blog brilliance doesn't just happen.  Many of the posts are carefully planned weeks or months in advance, with words and phrases going through a rigorous editing process designed to produce a product we are justifiably proud of. Either that, or in a covid-gin hangover haze, we pound out something while sipping strong black coffee. 


  1. How about: "Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty, we're Free at last!"

  2. Internal RPOF polls showing Biden +10. Rs beginning to panic about down ballot state races.

    We (Ds) must not be complacent and we gotta show up in droves.

    It's time to end the orange nightmare.

  3. riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs. —James Joyce, Finnegans Wake (1939)

  4. The Trump line writes itself, no?


  5. Your proposed opening line for November “4” assumes that we will actually know who the winner is by then. If it’s anything like 2000 then you may need to “hold the presses” on that story, for several days.

    Cap Out .......

  6. Blue Soldiers needed for phone bank-Cure the Vote-Voter Protection-Poll Watching.
    Dems: Please volunteer-you can at least FEEL like you are making a difference in Florida.

    Voted this morning and it was a bit funky. Did not trust ANY of the people working the polls-incompetence issues-just not informed. Had THREE different minor issues come up & got bad advice. Plus the machine scanning my vote was rejecting my ballot. Error message-empty spaces-I had filled in EVERY OPTION -did not skip anything-
    I demanded I be sent to a different machine.

    Contact: click on link to volunteer
    BTW: To Get motivated watch recent NetFlix movie "The Trial of the Chicago 7" script written by Aaron Sorkin

  7. America To Trump: YOU'RE FIRED

  8. Rumpole. Do you think that any academia or intellectual are supportive of TRUMP?

    Every brilliant professional whom I know are supportive of ANYONE BUT TRUMP. Even wealthy Jewish friends hate Trump - despite gains by Israel.

    Could he possibly win in America during a pandemic and depressed stock prices?

    Please tell us your thoughts RUMPOLE?

  9. Yes I know some bright people who are voting for trump. In person the president is a different person.

  10. Sadly, I know too many people who love Trump ...
