Sunday, October 04, 2020


 Trump has Covid. Cam has Covid. The Tennessee Titans have Covid. But the show must go on. 

Here are our picks for week four. We are a slight below average (for us ) 12-4 for the season. 

The big contest of the week that everyone is watching is Covid19 v. Trump.   Covid19 -7 1/2 over Trump. Covid has killed more than a million people. Trump is the perfect opponent. Old. Fat. Never exercises. Can't make it up (or down) a flight of stairs without needing to catch his breath. True, this is a tough road game for Covid. Trump in Walter Reed enjoys a distinct home field advantage. But Covid has won on the road before. A lot actually. China. Italy. And NYC and you know what they say- "If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere." Trump has a very good defense. But once the Covid 19 Cytokine storm offense gets rolling, it is almost impossible to stop.  It is hard to ignore a home dog like Trump. And he has surprised before. But he may just have met his match this time. 

Speaking of home dogs, the Ursine quality, we like the Bears and the amazing Nick Foles at home, getting 2.5 from the Indianapolis Colts. The adage "Always bet against Phillip Rivers" applies as always and a Nick Foles fully prepped with a week of work is a very dangerous opponent. Chicago +2 1/2. 

Browns at Cowkpokes.  Dallas has a pretty good offense. They just do not know how to finish games as a team. That is why the almighty created the Cleveland Browns. To help teams get back in winning form. Pokes -5 1/2. 

Cardinals at Panthers. Arizona broke our hearts, our bankroll AND knocked us out of the Survivor pool last week in getting upset by the hapless Lions. We still like this team and their offense and they right the ship against a Carolina team without McCaffery.  Cards -3.5.

Seahawks at Dolphins. Fins are a TD home dog. And Miami is just not that bad and maybe flying east from one of the farthest points on the map from Miami that a team can make slows Seattle down just enough for our Dolphins to keep it close. Ftizmagic baby +7. 

Survivor Pool coming up soon.


  1. Trump getting dexamethasone ain't a good sign.

  2. "And over the course of his life his brain has experienced multiple drops in O2 saturation. Explains almost everything"

    Disgraceful . You are coming unhinged. Why did you even start tweeting? To be even more of a jerk?

  3. This is just such a BRILLIANT blog. The writing is just spectacular and informative. The analysis - while tongue and cheek - on the odds of our President vs Covid is intelligently hilarious.

    Bravo RUMPOLE for your writings. Personally, I can’t wait each day to read what you have to say and your commentary. (* I actually check and read your blog 2-3 times a day. I’m addicted!)

  4. 5:23- we have been through this before Mom. If you have a problem with the Blog please just call. You do not need to post.
    But...I'm glad you're obsessively following me on Twitter.

  5. Many question why we post the negative comments. But we know our fans. And those who profess to hate us are the most passionate of our readers. They obsessively check the blog several times a day as well as our Twitter. And since they follow us so closely we owe to them- our most loyal readers- to give them a voice, no matter how intellectually deficient they are.


  6. Thanks Rumpole for all the NFL tips. I have followed them and bet them all over the past four weeks and I am ahead. I know you don't count your over under bets in your tally but I am still 14-12 betting all your recommendations. Keep making me $$$.

  7. Rump,

    Is this your first 0-fer on picks?
