Friday, September 18, 2020






Who says the almighty doesn't have a sense of humor? 

Could you have created a more Hollywood script then the blocking of Judge Merrick Garland in the last months of the Obama  Administration only to have RBG die in the last months of the first term of the Trump Presidency? 

Here is what we know: The Republicans drew a bright line in the sand when they blocked Judge Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court. They do not believe Supreme Court Judges should be approved when there is a pending presidential election....unless the Judge who dies was appointed by a Democrat AND there is a Republican president. THEN the analysis is that you cannot have a 4-4 court heading into an election that could be contested. Under those circumstances the Republican President should nominate a replacement and the senate should quickly confirm him or her. Anyone have Judge Francis's phone number? Barbara Lagoa is brushing off her financial disclosure forms. 

The Democrats know that they cannot stop a nominee being appointed in the face of a united Republican front. Senator Lindsey Graham (Rep. Kiss ass) is denying the video recording of him saying during the Garland fiasco four years ago that he would never approve a republican nominee in similar circumstances in the next administration. 

There are mumblings that the Constitution does not set the number of Judges required for the Supreme Court. They could pack the Court in the Biden administration- appointing three or four judges to tilt the balance of the Court. Query- where would the new justices sit? Would they put up a tent in the back with AC for their chambers? Would they have to build an annex? 

There are even more rough times ahead for our struggling democracy. This we are sure of. Many scenarios show that president Trump could win the popular vote on election day only to lose valuable states needed for an electoral college win when the mail-in votes are counted. That could send the Trump supporters (a/k/a white supremacists) into the streets. If you think we had social unrest before when a bunch of aging out of shape white lawyers were marching and shouting "black lives matter" wait until these jack-booted paramilitary thugs take to the streets at the urging of the president on Twitter. 

Yes dear readers, the almighty has a sense of humor. Our democracy is going to be tested like never before. And personally, we put the odds at 50/50 we survive. No guarantees here. 

Stay safe. 


  1. And Trump read out his list of potential nominees just last week. Did he get some secret news that she was fading fast?

  2. We are f*ked. Watch Moscow Mitch push through a right wing Federalist. I wonder if I can emigrate to New Zeland or the Netherlands.

  3. Fake Judge Elect Rosy AponteFriday, September 18, 2020 11:56:00 PM

    Is not aproproate for me to coment on my availbility to be the nominee to replace the great judge Ruth Batter Ginburgs for the Supreme Court. Like me she was a civil rights attorney and we both represented civil rights#s 3,4,6,7(2 times!) and 11. With my litigation experince and as a sercut court judge i am always honoerd to sreve my great country.

  4. Here's how it will go down. Trump will appoint Renatha Francis to the Supreme Court. That was the wink wink nod nod at DeSantis's press conference earlier this week. (Yes, 7:57, Trump knew about RBG's fading health.). There will be a bunch of white people who will be afraid to oppose RF because they don't want to look racist. (The same whites who are afraid of admitting that no one really cares about being preached to by athletes.) There will be some Black people who think it is about time there was a Black woman on the court (and about time Black people had 22.2% representation on the Court despite being 13.5% of the population). A bunch of these Black people will make White people feel racist if they oppose RF.

    There will be some Black and White Democrats who oppose RF because she is (pick your reason) grossly unqualified, a graduate of a shitty for-profit school, only 10 years out from law school, super partisan, etc. Republicans will call all those white people racist, just like they are doing in Rhode Island, and white Democrats will act like a bunch of pussies.

    Meanwhile, Trump voters will feel validated because they are supporting a Black (and therefore aren't racist) who does not accept "handouts." (Quoting RF from press conference.).

  5. Riddle me this. If you are a conservative; cautious, careful, and prudent; why couldn’t you be a good Justice? Why can’t a conservative follow the law and do justice to the parties? Surely not all Republicans are hypocritical racist partisans.

  6. "Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?" Friedrich Nietzsche

  7. As I have previously predicted the campaign for the appointment of Barbara Lagoa to the SCOTUS has begun. See Smerconish from this morning at about 8:35. He puts forth she is a woman, "hispanic" and from Florida and he opines Trump will get a boost from her nomination. For Paul Huck, Jr., her husband, this is the key to a new career in Washington. MO MONEY.

    She is not only unqualified intellectually, but she is ethically challenged. What I know will be known by the Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats. They will roast her, as they call members of the 3rd DCA to confirm that information.

  8. Especially in light of the fact that we are likely in for a period of ugliness that Hieronymus Bosch would quail to paint, it's worth remembering this:

    RBG, one of the most liberal justices ever to sit on the court, and Antonin Scalia, one of the most conservative, were, for decades, devoted friends. Not just they respected one another, not just that they paid one another professional courtesies. They held each other in deep regard. They shared real affection.

    Although they were of an age (he was three years her junior), they otherwise had almost nothing in common. And the deeply held central beliefs that drove each of their Constitutional philosophies could hardly have been more opposed. They wrote scathing dissents about each other's opinions.

    But by all accounts they were still able to love one another as friends, bound by their common humanity.

    I doubt we'll see much of that humanity from anyone on the national scene in the coming weeks. But it is worth remembering.

  9. Back in 2012, RBG should have resigned. She was old and knew she had cancer. Obama could have appointed a young liberal lawyer with all the Ivy League creds that people think mean something. She didn't and he didn't. I think she bet on the Dems keeping the WH after 2016. I read something this morning that on her deathbed she proclaimed that the next president, i.e., a Democrat, should appoint her replacement. Where was this concern before 2016? You live by the sword and you die by the sword.

  10. Fake Judge Elect Rosy AponteSaturday, September 19, 2020 11:01:00 AM

    I wish to amend my prior statement. I myself am and support President Trump to appoint his chocie the Notorious Barbara Agola (lol- little inside judge humor their) from the eleventeh sercut courts of appeals to the Supreme Court. And to help our president I myself am and are availbe to be the next nonimee to the court to replace the Notorious Barbara Agola to servce as appelate judges for Miami. Thank you for listning.

  11. This is Judge Barbara Lagoa’s time to be nominated as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

    Mark my word. Announcement on Tuesday afternoon from the White House.

    A fine family. A committed Jurist.

  12. Poor Dems. Now we have to choose between the big, bad conservative SCOTUS appointee or the Coronavirus. Can Joe Biden remember two things? Will he really vet a list of qualified African American females?
    No let's see MOSCOW Mitch said last time that when party in power is different than President's party, that no nomination can go forward. The Dems all said it should, irrespective. Now we should wait. Worry, worry. But, remember, we can still burn more towns to show our outrage.

  13. The Captain Reports:

    No worries here. Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham promises not to move on an appointment to the Supreme Court if there was an opening in 2020. And we know Graham is an honest a politician as they come

    Cap Out ......

    1. He has already changes his position.

  14. All kidding aside, she lived a great life and even if you're a conservative, you have to have much respect for her and what she stood for.

    RIP great justice.

  15. Rump- I cannot say this enough. Fake Rosy- pure unadulterated genius. Whomever is doing it- keep it up please. You have her limited intelligence nailed down.

  16. Florida's own Frankenstein abomination in the Senate, Rick Scott, wants to git-er-done before the election.

  17. To all of the reeders of the rumpole blug. My offishal position on the next supreem court nomine is that there is an election coming up in December. The persons should decide the next judge. If they vote in December to put in Judge Langosta, then she will win the sit on the supreme court. If judge Rooth Vader Ginberg doesnt win her retention election, then the mayor of miami will dooly appoint her replacemnt. It is the same standered that Judge Kavanaugh and and Judge Gosich had to meet before they were elected to the court of appeels. If the voters vot for another judge, then that judge could maybe be on the court also. Personally, I think that another colored person on the court is exactly what Tthe Florida supreme court needs. Obveeusly, not judge dunis, who i beat in the primary.

    Whtaever your political persuasion, please remember to vot for me on December 3rd, so I can stop being a judge eleckt and be an official judge in January.

  18. I see Lagoa as the next. The orange orantange will believe that appointing her will help him among the Cubans in Florida. We know everything this moronic idiot's every decision is geared to his re-election. If this conman loses Florida its all over for the dictator want to be. And he will not be able to run out the statute of limitations for his indictment.

  19. Fake Judge Aponte. Funny at first ... now getting really old...

  20. Unfortunately Obama failed to bring a knife to a knife fight in 2016. Refuse a hearing on my nominee, fine, recess appointment.
