Wednesday, September 02, 2020


 Covidiots- a term we recently heard. It applies to people who do not believe there is a virus, and/or that masks and social distancing does not matter. You know who we are talking about. Social media is full of videos of people at Walmarts screaming about their Constitutional Right to not wear a mask. Those type of people...and Florida's Governor  are classic Covidiots.  

We are approaching Labour Day and we all need to make a choice: If you have had enough of this Covid nonsense then hit the beaches, catch a movie, hang out in a bar. And prepare to get sick and maybe die. 

Rumpole rule of life #14: avoid intubation at all costs. 

This Labour day is bittersweet. This is used to be one of our favourite holidays. We would take the week off and relax. Ahead would normally be a big trial or two in September and October. Then  the holiday season and the new year. 

Not this year. For those of you toughening it out in hometown Miami, it is day after day of heat, humidity, being home- no court, no eating out, and only a Dominos pizza to break up the monotony 

Now, we are waiting for Godot and a vaccine. 

Our bet: Pfizer will bring a vaccine out first or be the first one of the first to submit a vaccine for approval. Pfizer has the experience in getting a vaccine approved and to market. Moderna, the other big name in this field, has never brought a vaccine to market. 

FDA approval; phase one, two and three testing. We are all becoming experts on drug development and vaccine approval. 

Query: Will you want to be one of the first to get a newly approved vaccine, or will you want to wait? Are you an anti-vaxer or are you getting a flu shot this weekend?

Anyway you decide to spend your weekend, we suggest it is not here in this type of situation:

Be smart. Stay safe. 


  1. Greico needs to go away...truly gives lawyers a bad name. Anyone can make one rebullshit mistake but isn't this like fifth fumble?

  2. I think this is my worst post. I just wasn’t feeling it.

  3. We will have a vaccine being distributed one week before the insufficiently tested one, but one nonetheless. Watch.

  4. Not enough Rosy Aponte in this post.

  5. No Rump, your anti-Rosy and pro-Rebull posts are your hands down absolute worst posts .

  6. Well 10:39 as you can see I post even the most ridiculous of opinions.

  7. Greico, Rebullshit & Aponte, P.A.

  8. Parry, lunge, match Rumpole.
