Tuesday, August 11, 2020


 Give him an A for effort. 

The Miami Herald (Give Ovalle a raise!) did not endorse Joe Perkins, erstwhile circuit court candidate. 

Perkins made chicken salad from chicken shit. He made lemonade from lemons. He also prevaricated in an ad/email spinning the non-endorsement. El Herald was not amused. 

Here's how it played out. 

The Herald did not endorse Perkins and said "He would be a judge favored by Attorneys, Prosecutors and Public Defenders..."

Perkins promptly sent an email stating "We are grateful for the recognition of our broad and diverse support."

The Editorial Board, sipping their morning cafe con leche, spit it out, and responded in a separate article thusly:

In truth, our recommendation said: “Perkins, a commercial litigator with Garbett, Allen & Roza who has been practicing law for 13 years, would be a judge favored by attorneys, prosecutors and public defenders. ‘I’ve talked to many attorneys and what they want is a present, thoughtful judge ready to roll up their sleeve and work weekends to be prepared,’ Perkins told the Board, seldom mentioning defendants during his chat.”

And that was our concern — that defendants and others in the court system would come in second in his courtroom.

That is why the Editorial Board ultimately recommended Perkins’ challenger, Olanike “Nike’’ Adebayo for Miami-Dade District Court, Group 55. As she told us: “I am a public servant, not a politician.

File this under the theory that any publicity is good publicity. 

Meanwhile there is NO truth to the rumor that candidate Rosy Aponte immediately put out an ad that said "The Herald did not endorse me and that's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (unlike my cooking at Camillus House for the coloreds...) 

And in other news there is also NO truth to the rumor that Aponte said "Biden should pick that colored senator from California for VP." 

NEXT POST: You asked for it and we got it! The Rebull Transcripts. Almost as good as the Pentagon papers (Robed Wearers born in the 1980s-90s are saying "what's that?" and it pains us.) 


  1. So let's get this straight. Don't charge a cop in 27 years: #EndorsementWithReservations. Fail to mind-read the Herald: #TAKEDOWN.

  2. Pentagon Papers? Nixon played his hand wrong on this one. Big time. All anyone remembers is that they contained classified information about the Vietnam War and the New York Times published it all. Every anti war instinct was validated. WRONG!!! I read them. Monotonous ain't the word for it. Even Richard Burton reading them aloud would not have added drama. Nixon should have told the people: "have at it! And if you can understand any of it, let me know because I can't." Case closed.

  3. Your continued attacks on Ms Aponte are shocking. It is only a shame that you cannot endorse a candidate in that race who is not a know-it-all bully. Ms Aponte would never treat people as Judge Tunis does, and your suggestion that she is not intelligent or incompetent is simply wrong. Joe Klock

  4. I also read the Herald's endorsement as meaning that the Miami Herald viewed Joe Perkins as having support from a lot of lawyers on both sides of the aisle. So now they are clarifying that they viewed that as a negative factor, and the key for them is that Perkins (according to the Herald) doesn't have support of criminal defendants. Really trying to wrap my head around this one because I think lawyer support is a good thing in judicial elections.

  5. 10:47;;Excellent point. I think the Herald has some fault here. Being liked by all sides is not a bad thing. I think they made too much of their perceived oversight of him not mentioning clients. If the state and pds both like a judge then a priori the defendants are being treated fairly.

  6. The Herald says Joe Perkins will be favored by public defenders but not criminal defendants. Huh??????

  7. What a joke the editorial board is. According to them even tho Rundle has a horrid record of charging police and others for official misconduct she has experience - therefore is deserving of their endorsement; while Perkins didn't use the word defendant enough in their interview - therefore he is not worthy of the endorsement. Who are the people on the editorial board, what are they talking about, and why should I care? At this point winning their endorsement is a strike against you.

  8. Mr. Klock you are experienced and intelligent. We have been hard on Ms Aponte for a reason- she is by all accounts completely ill-equipped to be a judge. From lack of experience to lack of litigation skills to lack of intellectual curiosity in the legal issues she will confront. I say this NOT based on her well known gaffes- everybody has those. I listened to everything she said- the 1 1/2 hours plus at the candidates forum she attended. she cannot speak intelligently and she knows not what she is speaking about.
    It has been said she has never tried a case or taken a depo. We know for certain she walked into an ethical situation most lawyers would avoid- working for a firm run by a disbarred lawyer. In essence she lent her good name for a firm that literally chases ambulances and uses "runners" to sign up people by going to the accident scene or their home. These non-lawyers are paid based on the case they signed up. Lawyers cannot share fees with non-lawyers. The problems go on and on.

    BUT you have something to say on her behalf - so say it. Send an email supporting her. I will post it untouched and without comment in that post on the blog front page.
    I would LIKE to see examples of her trials, depos, and motions. I can tell you others have sent me motions she signed and I truly work with law students who do better work. I would never submit a pleading with the types of errors in grammar and citations that appear under her name.
    But if there is another side here, then advocate on her behalf. I am giving you the chance.

  9. Joe Klock just hates Tunis (understandable) and is willing to take anyone else....reminds me of my feelings about Trump

  10. Very good points Rumpole at 12:08 PM.

  11. Joe is absolutely correct on your bias! You delete posts exposing Tunis and Jerri Beth Cohen, but endorse those attacking Aponte. For example, did you know you have posted about Aponte working with a disbarred New York attorney when that is false, and her association is approved by the Florida Bar. did you even verify what you posted and endorsed on various occasions, no you did no.

    How can you, who knows it all, deny knowing about how Judge Blake had an intervention, counseled and protected Tunis? Why do you refuse to post invitations for readers to provide information about the intervention and Tunis' issues? Why do you not question why Tunis was shelved in division where she can hardly do anything wrong? The reason she was kept in that division in one of the whispered secrets among other judges. So why do you not expose this, because of your biased!

    For example, look at Cannon 7, then listen the the radio add Tunis aired pretending Tunis speaks Spanish, we all know she does not! The ad is a violation of Cannon 7. Lets not talk about the robo call pretending to originate from Black Lives Matter endorsing Tunis and Rebull. These are so typical of Tunis' political handlers.

    You quickly jump on Rebull without the totality of story. Why not call Tunis out for denying a continuance when an attorney's wife was recovering after a long hospitalization? Is Tunis any less of a bully, NO!

    Why, your blinded by bias!

    David Ovalle will not write about these things because he fears the thugs and bullies who threatened the Miami Herald about exposing their misdeeds. Why was there no mention about these pillars of our legal community who participated in corrupting the system in the Epstein case.

    You my friend are no better than the bullies and bigots you pretend to assail on you blog.

    Lets see if you are willing to pick up the Tunis story after another local blogger exposes the efforts to protect her and conceal the truth about her ability to perform her judicial labors while on the bench.

  12. Mr. Perkins,

    If you win, welcome to the JQC. They may even remove you for that stunt. They hate that kind of misrepresentation.

  13. I am 100% correct Aponte worked in a law firm run by a New York lawyer who was not licensed in Florida. He was then disbarred in New York and then transferred the firm to his brother. And interesting that while you challenge that - nothing on the fact that the law firm used runners to solicit cases from accident scenes. Probably you’ve seen the same law suits I Have where many former clients say that under oath. Why would any lawyer who cares about their name work in such a shop? I allege Aponte is so unqualified it’s the only place she could get a job. Meanwhile i have yet to see ONE Civil rights pleading she filed as a civil rights lawyer.

  14. I have no intention of submitting materials for you to grade. I have worked with Ms. Aponte on cases and opposite her on cases. I have seen her work excellent results for a client in a case where other lawyers had given up.
    What is disturbing is your constant harping on her and your unquestioning support for her opponent who, without question, is the nastiest bully on the circuit court. She likes to listen to herself, talks over litigants in her courtroom, and is generally unpleasant. But, of course you never touch upon any of these points, you simply refer to unnamed sources who accuse Ms Aponte of improper conduct, and by implication laud her opponent, who apparently is flawless in your mind.
    I know that litigants and lawyers who go into Ms Aponte’s courtroom will be treated fairly, that she will read their materials and understand them, and will never act anywhere similarly to the judge that she is running against, who has changed from the excellent, thoughtful judge that she was as a county judge, to a judge who has little judicial temperament.
    The voters will decide on August 18, and if your candidate wins, then there will be six more years of abuse, rudeness, and intolerance that will reign in her court, but I suspect that she is nice to you, and after all, what are friends for if you cannot count on them in times of trouble? Joe Klock

  15. First you can acknowledge the many comments on the blog with similar criticisms of Judge Tunis. So you cannot accuse me of ignoring the issue. But what I thought was not needed to be said apparently does. Given the choice between a judge who has no experience and as a lawyer has demonstrated limited intellectual ability, no curiosity in legal issues, cannot point to even ONE case where her work was crucial in achieving a good result, who has never tried a case, who apparently has never taken a deposition, who knowingly worked for a law firm that hustled cases by using non lawyers to appear at accident scenes, and who calls minorities “colored people”, versus an experienced judge who is rude- I know who I want deciding serious legal issues.
    A circuit judge can sentence someone to death !
    Mr Klock do you really think Ms Aponte should have that power?
    As to me grading her work you don’t need to send me anything. If I really really wanted to sink her I could take the dozens of documents other lawyers have sent to me with her name on it and post them. You think her performance at the Wilke Bar association was embarrassing? Trust me this is worse.

  16. You had no concern about posting documents about Judge Rebull. Why are you holding back on Aponte?

  17. Klock backing a fool/clown like Aponte. a/k/a Joe Crock.

  18. Joe Klock talking about civility is too ironic for words.

  19. If Aponte is such an ethical and talented co-counsel, how much money has Klock contributed to Aponte's campaign? ������


  20. Dear 9:08 PM:


    You must know by now that El Capitan has been answering questions just like yours for the past 15 years on this Blog.

    Ms. Aponte may set a record for the least amount of persons contributing to a campaign in a contested election. Here is a list of those that have contributed:

    1,000.00 MORALES & CERINO, P.A.
    200.00 MARTI LUIS A

    That's it. Seven contributions.

    CAP OUT .......

  21. So, Mr. fair and mighty. You print ad hominem attacks like 3:25 and 3:42, By the way, you have not yet stated whether you think Judge Tunis is a bully, runs over people in her court, thinks she is smarter than everyone else, and totally lacks judicial temperment. Since responding to your invitations simply results in cowards like 3:25 and 3:42 responding and you delightedly posting them, I think I will pass on any further invitations from you. But, perhaps he or them or she might want to disclose his, her, or their identity so we can all decide on issues of reputation. Joe Klock

  22. Does anyone know why Judge Marlene Fernandez -kARAVETSOS is out and how long will she be off the bench? thanks

  23. Money only means buying influence.

    Tunis has raised lots of money from swamp creatures. Drain The Swamp.

    Swamp Creatures whose money and influence intimidates judge and makes judges cowtow to them. Tunis's supporters include the likes of the Tony Sprano of the legal community and crew, (Motto . . Hire me, I intimidate judges, I elect them, without me they cannot get elected), Team Epstein and crew, Fixer of Aventura, Judge with a Bat, MaGruff taking a bite out of crime or a stripper they are all the same, buying influence one judge at a time. Get the point.

    Food for thought, lawyers do not elect judges. Most lawyers have no idea how to get voters to turn out for a candidate. Money and support from the legal community translates to very little in judicial campaigns. Money and paying lip service to a judge, specially one who has never been elected or been on the ballot doe not surpass name and name recognition. Dava vs. Rosy, Tunis vs. Aponte, ask your family and friends who they will vote for, I am certain they will not say Dava or Tunis. Aponte has run two prior campaigns, been on the ballot over the past four years, and got over 40% of the votes in both campaigns, the most recent against another Hispanic female with easy name. Most voters recognize the name Rosy anad Aponte. Add the Covid-19 limits to campaigning, and lets see the out come.

  24. 9:10 am it is very hard for me to criticize someone who thinks they are smarter than everyone else when I am in fact smarter than everyone else. Birds of a feather offend together.

    ( you see? That last quip- not one of my readers has the intelligence and panache and style to write such a line. You all get great content for free. Something must be done about that.)

    I do not consider the 3:25 and 3:42 comments ad hominem attacks. You should see the crap I didn't post. That would raise your hackles a bit.

  25. You can print whatever you want but make them print their names. Joe Klock


  26. to 1:29 PM



    You wrote: "Aponte has run two prior campaigns, been on the ballot over the past four years, and got over 40% of the votes in both campaigns," UNTRUE

    Aponte ran for a Circuit Court seat against Judge Oscar Rodriguez-Fonts and Carol Breece in 2016. Ms. Aponte failed to make the runoff as she gained only 26% of the vote compared to Rodrgiuez Fonts (34%) and Breece (40%) in the Primary.

    CAP OUT .......

  27. Did Mr. Klock post the case name and number of those cases that Rosy Aponte was his co-counsel ? I think someone asked him to please do that in one of these post. Maybe I am not looking under the right post. Thank you.

  28. No 8:50. Nobody did. So are you suggesting I am lying you anonymous, gutless creep. Joe Klock.
