Wednesday, June 24, 2020


BREAKING DC APPEALS COURT ORDERS FLYNN CASE DISMISSED "Markus was right, retired Judge Gleeson was wrong" the court did not hold, but should have

From Judge Hirsch's Constitutional/Covid Calendar: (and more REGJB trivia below)

  On June 5, 1776, the Continental Congress constituted a committee to address the problem of those who were cooperating with the British in the already-ongoing Revolutionary war.  The committee’s report, adopted by Congress on June 24 in the form of a resolution, provided that, “All persons abiding within any of the United Colonies, and deriving protection from the laws of the same, owe allegiance to the said laws and are members of such colonies.”  Giving aid to the King’s forces was defined as treason.  It was further recommended that laws be passed in the several colonies to implement the resolution.
The resolution was as revolutionary as the war itself.  For the first time, allegiance was demanded, not to the King or any person, but to the laws themselves.  It was a dauntingly abstract concept – the notion of a duty of loyalty to the law, and not to a human being who represented or was thought to be the source or embodiment of the law – but it was necessary if America was going to be governed as a democracy.

Item: The failing Washington Post reported this on Monday:
President Trump on Monday accused his predecessor, Barack Obama, of treason, without offering any evidence or details to back up his claim.Trump made the accusation in an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network. The president has frequently accused others of “treason,” but Monday marked the first time that he has leveled that claim against the man who preceded him in the Oval Office.

REGJB Trivia: Name the only (we are pretty sure) Asian American Judge to serve in the REGJB.


  1. Trump is a disgusting pig...wait a second, I must apologize to the pig for comparing him to Trump.

  2. Judge Dominick Koo. Would cook his lunch on his wong in his chambers. Hated smokers. Was a good guy.

  3. Judge Dominick Koo. Would cook his lunch on his wong in his chambers. Hated smokers. Was a good guy.

  4. Dominic Koo. He ran under a slogan that now would be considered racist
    " Give a Chinaman a chance"

  5. The trialmaster's post should be deleted. Please stop allowing racist posts.




    YOUR NEXT 3RD DCA JUDGE WILL BE .... chosen from the list of six nominees sent to Gov DeSantis today:

    Judge Antonio Arzola
    Judge Alexander Spicola Bokor
    Judge Lisa Walsh
    Kansas Gooden
    Christopher Johnson
    Eduardo Sanchez

    They will replace Judge Vance Salter who is retiring effective August 31, 2020.

    CAPTAIN OUT .......

  7. Will we finally see Walsh make it as she deserves.

  8. I cut out of work early and hit shake shack on the way home and who do I see sitting in a corner, chowing down on a big triple with cheese and a chocolate-cherry shake? The founder, visionary, and owner of the REN, a Venue, just having a nice lunch.

  9. O.K. If you look at that list. the two ringers may well be Judge Bokor and Ms. Gooden. One is 13 years out; the other 12. Who knows which has been a loyal member of the Federalist Society. If the Gov wants to balance gender on the court, he can go for Judge Walsh or Ms. Gooden. But, there are also some other fine candidates there, including Eddie Sanchez and Judge Arzola. Who knows, the Governor my make a merit selection to try and balance before God his ridiculous choice of Judge Francis for the Supreme Court, to further enhance the right wing idealogical mediocrity of that court.

  10. Eduardo Sanchez much more likely to get the call given DeSantis history of choosing someone from ASA or AUSA office. Sanchez is career AUSA and works in the appellate division of that office.

  11. If Gov wants someone younger than Sanchez then Judge Bokor has best shot. Sanchez is a thirty year attorney. Bokor only 15 years.

  12. Biden is a disgusting pig...wait a second, I must apologize to the pig for comparing him to Biden.

  13. We had CJIS training yesterday for the FACDL lawyer who paid the $50.00 to have access. I was really embarrassed by the three lawyers who said that it was too complicated for them so, they logged out and will now waste everyone's time teaching them in an individual setting. They could have shut up and listened to the entire seminar and would have learned how it actually works.

    The problem is that the damn log in the first time is a fucking nightmare. OK, but, once you get past that, the seminar was helpful.

    Shame on you lazy bastards.

    Much thanks to the FACDL "administrators" who set this up.

  14. Lisa Walsh would be a great choice but selfishly, she's such an asset to the Circuit court so I always want here here. I know nothing about Spicoli but that name would make me chuckle and want to have a pizza delivered directly to the court room. How great would it be for Spicloi to issue a mandate to a Judge with the last name of "Hand"?

  15. Rumpole, why didn’t you publish my Biden comment that tracks the first comment on this post? You’re true colors are showing, comrade.

  16. It will be Bokor because of his Uncle and family in Tampa have great connections to the Governor . Best qualified is Walsh, not that it means much in this County where a son of an Amway lady who became a judge, despite never appearing in court gets in on his Mother's long tail robes.

  17. Why is the trialmaster racist. For misspelling wok? What if the Judge actually had a wok, and tossed in some fresh veg for a stir-fry? Is is racist to mention a fact?
