Friday, June 26, 2020


UPDATE: FRIDAY AFTERNOON- This is not funny anymore. Governor DeSantis just ordered the suspension of alcohol consumption at bars in Florida. The bars remain open, so long as you order a Shirley Temple. 

First, all praise due our Governor, who has taken Florida from 700 new cases a day to almost 10,000. Way to go Ronnie! That's how you handle a pandemic. You open up, get people together, and shun masks as a Clinton-Commie-Chinese- Democratic-fake-news-Joe Biden-fraud.  Ditto social distancing, which perhaps President Trump can mock as "social Clintoning". 

Second, we have a couple of new County Court Judges today. Read the Captain's Post below. One is a current prosecutor-Chiaka Ihekwaba, whose name gets you 212 points in Words With Friends. We kid- she is well known and liked at the REGJB and a great choice in our opinion. The second- Cristina Correa- is a former prosecutor about whom we do not know much. 
New slots for judges are opening daily, and that's not even counting the inevitable vacancies once members of the judiciary start getting sick for a virus the Governor says is best ignored. 
Here is the number one rule for Governor DeSantis judicial selections: NO PDS NEED APPLY! Got that? If you have ever represented someone in criminal court, even if you hate Dr. Fauci and call the virus the Kung Fu Flu, you may not pass GO, you may not collect $100, and you will not be a Judge. Ever. As long as DeSantis is Governor. 

We are tough on the MAGA crowd. But they do have a point. Times are tough for them. Many of their numbers are dropping dead from a virus they do not believe exists. Their beloved Confederacy is under attack throughout Dixie as well as the Yankee North. They can't get tests for a virus that doesn't exist; they can't get into an ER for a virus that doesn't kill. They can't wear their sheets in public, they are jeered for the Confederate Flag bumper sticker on their pick-up when they pull into the Piggly-Wiggly. It's a world where young women of color are speaking out, and they are frightened and scared. The American Exceptionalism, which in their mind is "White American Exceptionalism" is not playing out the way they think it should. Jobs are scarce for people who use their fingers for math and have trouble reading an Archie Comics. 

But they have a side to their story and it deserves to be told by the best, brightest and most eloquent. Sparing no expense or time, we have tracked that woman down, and present her to you: 

Yup, you got that right. This Nobel Prize candidate for stupidity is going to teach her grandchildren to hate. It's why we truly believe this country may well be doomed. 


  1. I would say racist woman delivering what is perhaps the worst apology in history seals the deal for her Nobel Prize for stupidity.

  2. We were told in apocalyptic terms that if we went outside we were killing others. "You have the right to kill yourself, but not to endanger others." Church? How dare you. A funeral? The police will forcibly shut you down, and even shame you. Mass gatherings are murder. Literally. Look at the idiots (must be republicans) protesting how they cant feed their dare they! And of course get the photo op of the nurse counterprotesting the stupidty of the science-hating fools.

    Then when george floyd died, the relentless, months-long onslaught and righteous indignation of the media and the dem govs disappears. Poof...gone in 10 seconds. Suddenly the Michigan gov who is banning the sale of seeds and paint is suddenly LEADING a mass gathering without social distancing. The NYC mayor who shuts down jewish funerals is out and about **encouraging** mass gatherings. Go for it! Not a hint of hesitation. Not even "if you have to practice social distancing."

    Where was the media with their probing questions of the protesters like "do you worry you might bring covid home?" Where were the nurses... the public health professionals who counterprotested the prior protests? Oh yea, now they are participating in the protests!

    The covid spike we have now is due to the total hypocrisy of the media and the dems. Not a spike from the protesters themselves, but the hypocrisy. The dems effectively said that in the covid fight, we dont all have to self sacrifice. If the cause is one we dems believe is righeous, the rules no longer apply. In other words, you obey the rules and i wont.

    Wathching all this on tv, the jews said "wtf these people shit on my religion." The unemployed said "so i guess i also get to do what i gotta do." And everybody said, well why should i inconvenience myself if the rules are a total sham? Screw this.

    And the hypocrisy even gave trump the daylight to hold an indoor maga rally.

    Rump its nice to hear you scapegoating, but where were you denouncing mass protest in the middle of the pandemic? Or at least advising caution? Where were you when the moral authority to ask for self sacrifice was so thoroughly destroyed by complete and absolute hypocrisy?

    This is on ron desantis? Yea, good one. Go with that.

    Maybe when we hit 20K a day you'll call for a teeny tiny temporary break in all the mass gatherings.
