Tuesday, June 09, 2020


Maybe this means something to our readers. It causes more questions than it answers.
But if knowing that Judge Glazer (not to pick on her, just a random example, we are sure she is doing a fine job) is in courtroom 1-5 a lot in June helps practitioners, then as altruists, we provide this service. 


  1. I hate to say this but, for once Broward is doing it right and we are not.

    In Broward, every judge has his or her own zoom session every day. The judicial web page has the link right there.

    In Dade, the order is so fucking confusing. The county judges are on permanent vacation.

    Why the fuck can we not do that here? If every judge could just do his or her own business, we could get more done.

    I'm just sayin....

  2. I believe that each judge in the Circuit Court Criminal Division will have their own Zoom Virtual Courtroom everyday, beginning on July 6th.

  3. The rumor is that every Judge will have their own Zoom calendar starting after the July 4th holiday-so be careful what you wish for.

  4. Every Miami Judge should give their salary back to a charity instead of taking it for less than 5 hours of work per week.

    Give it back! Give it back!

    Being paid to be on vacation? Now they are off till at least July?

  5. The Broward judges started doing hearings in the past week. Give me a break! Our courts have been having arthur hearings, PVHs, bond reductions, pleas, etc. since the beginning. Ask Finkelstein how many hearings they've had before June. All REG divisions will be up and running everyday starting in July. Never compare Dade unfavorably to Broward. We are light years ahead.

  6. I think it is bad form to knock the judges. We just have to put up with a few of those stupid Zoom hearings. Imagine a steady diet, and by the way, they are still dealing with 3.8 matters all the time.
    Frankly, the judges are not the traffic cops. It is the State. If they get backed up enough, maybe they will get rid of all of their shit cases and just keep serious ones. It really is not necessary to try and make as many Black males convicted felons on bullshit charges.
