Friday, June 05, 2020


We serve many functions as the blog of the REGJB. Besides critiquing our State Attorney when she is busy sucking up to Marco Rubio while Miami erupts in flames, taking cheap shots at those who wear black robes to work, and stirring up the pot with brilliant commentary that makes people think, we also want to make the work lives of our readers easier. 

Courtesy of the new head honcho of the Miami Chapter of the FACDL, One Matthew Meyers, Esq.,  and forwarded to us by an alert reader, because as we all know it is a violation of USDA Rules for us to read the FACDL Listserv, comes these helpful email addresses to get the A forms you need: 




Rumpole will add the following emails:



and of course, the infamous


  1. Thank you. We live in interesting times


  2. George Will writes in the Wash Post today:

    A 1946 lynching is still haunting us:

    Cap Out .....

  3. The Capn is a caditiot. All those in favor say AYE

  4. Names out of use: Ekbert; Horatio; Hortense; Alouicious; Rutherford

    Names on the way out: Ira, Morton; Jane; Sally; Clem; Erwin or Trwin; Courtelyou;
    Cleo; Carpathia; Oliver or Ollie; Gerkin; Glendale; Elwood; Uke; Fenton; Archimedes.

    That's all for now.

  5. WHAT WE NEED IS...…
    A little bit of Mitt Romney right now
    A little bit of Joe Biden having a cow
    A little of Obama being cool
    A little less of Trump making a rule
    A little more of Hillary on the stump
    A little more of Bill...fist bump
    A little more of Bush..he's no fool
    A little more of Reagan with style and grace
    A little more of Jimmy Carter running a race
    A little more of Jerry Ford taking command
    A little more of Nixon making a stand
    A little more of Johnson making a case
    A little more of Kennedy promising space
    A little more of Ike on an even keel
    A little more of Truman being real
    A little more of FDR winning a war
    A little more of Hoover being a bore
    A little more of Coolidge being silent Cal
    A little more of Harding and his Gal
    A little more of Wilson with WWI
    A little more of Taft he's a big one
    A little more of Teddy he was the best
    A little more of every other president and all the rest
    A little less of Trump he's the worst
    A little less of the liar bringing the country to the dump
