Wednesday, May 06, 2020


The politicians are telling you that come the end of May it will be safe to go back into the water again.

Captain Quint explains our view best:

"Anti shark cage. You go inside the cage. Cage goes in the water. You go into the water. Shark in the water. Our shark..."

You go out into society. Virus in society. Our virus?

Farewell and adieu you fair Spanish Ladies...
Farewell and adieu you Ladies of Spain
For we've received orders to sail back to Boston 
and so never more shall we see you again. 

In other words,
we are going to need a bigger boat. Stay home until we tell you it's safe to go out.

When in doubt, re-watch Jaws or Star Wars or Casablanca. Most questions you have  in life will be answered. 

1 comment:

  1. Jaws. One of the greatest films in Hollywood history. Three great actors. One great director. Amazing achievement made even more incredible by the fact that the shark is offscreen most of the time due to mechanical failures. Actors carried the film in the shark's absence. Spielberg was only 28 years old when Jaws premiered in 1975. Unbelievable.
