Sunday, May 17, 2020


We are starting a list of companies whose products we will NOT purchase because of their idiotic advertisements promoting "no contact" delivery. 

Dominos Pizza (as if we would ever eat cardboard anyway).
Casper Mattresses 
Auto Nation vehicles. 
To be continued....
(Please feel free to add those commercials you have seen. Enough is enough!). 

Thought for this crisis: 

"It is not given to human beings-
happily for them, for otherwise life would be intolerable-
to foresee or predict to any large extent 
the unfolding course of events..."

Prime Minister Winston Spencer Churchill, eulogy for Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin, 12 November, 1940. 

And here's something you do not see every day: A woman doing a bit of shopping with her Alpaca Comfort animal (and no, that is not rumpole in the picture, so relax.) 


  1. I love love love the new purchase I made this week of the autobiography written by the MY PILLOW GUY.

    Great read. Must buy Rumpole.

  2. Contender for best couplet ever:

    And if California slides into the ocean
    Like the mystics and statistics say it will
    I predict this motel will be standing until I pay my bill

    RIP Warren

  3. New outbreak of Covid in Wuhan coincides with all Chinese Ren (A venue) websites for the individual venues going dark and many other REN sites in east Asia going dark. For ex can't access Ren a Bangkok venue site.
    There is a connection here.

  4. I saw Lurvey dining at the Ren(A social distancing venue) with his pet pig.
