Wednesday, April 01, 2020


Many people did a double take on our "Trump Resigns" post. Good. April Fools. COVID-19 can shut down Joes and 11 Madison Park, but it cannot take our sense of humor away from us. 

This is No Joke: Governor DeSantis has ordered Florida shut down. Do not pass go. Do not collect $100.00 and don't go out. 
From the Order:  all persons in Florida shall limit their movements
and personal interactions outside of their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide
essential services or conduct essential activities. From the Order: 

D. Nothing in this order prohibits individuals from working from home; indeed, this Order encourages individuals to work from home. (What the F do you think we have been doing for the last two weeks? Partying at Disney?)
E. All businesses or organizations are encouraged to provide delivery, carry-out or curbside service outside of the business or organization, of orders placed online or via telephone,

to the greatest extent practicable. 
A. For purposes of this Order and the conduct it limits, "essential activities" means
and encompasses the following:
1. Attending religious services conducted in churches, synagogues and houses of worship; and  (Wait a second you moron. You can't practice social distancing and get 100 or so people together in congregation. We know you think faith not science will save us, so our advice is get sick and go to a preacher and let him wave his hands over you and chant. Meanwhile the rest of us will go to hospitals if we get sick.)

11. Participating in recreational activities ( consistent with social distancing  guidelines) such as walking, biking, hiking, fishing, hunting, running, or swimming; and
m. Taking care of pets; and
v. Caring for or otherwise assisting a loved one or friend.

All Starting Midnight Thursday. "What does this mean for me ?" you may ask. "Stay inside" we respond. Stay home. Don't mingle with other people. 
WHAT HAPPENED HERE? We were not there. But a reader wrote in about this: 

This morning in Metro Justice... Extradition Calendar Abbe Rifkin for the State Judge Venzer PD: Defendant seeks ROR on petit theft from PASCO county... he just closed his petit theft from Dade County A

Abbe: The State vehemently objects as the administrative order says if the Judge from Pasco county objects there will be No Bond... We must all follow the rules... 

PD: Pasco county says they will not pick up indefinitely so you have to ROR 

Venzer: Im inclined to do that... ROR 

Abbe: No, you cannot judge, its against the law, petit theft or not... You must, you shall not release him you have to hold him... there is no other way. 
Venzer: I guess you're right Abbe, No bond... 

I thought I could no longer be shocked by the actions of Rifkin and Venzer… but, in my estimation, this went beyond the unthinkable.

Rumpole invites the participants to respond. 


  1. Why doesn't the Clerk's website have any information about court closures?
    The only message they have on there is to tell jurors to stay home through April 17.
    Nothing about cases being postponed, emergency procedures etc.
    I didn't take his money (yet) but had a client call me monday with an arraignment this week that he was afraid he was going to miss and get a bench warrant.
    I had another client call from the courthouse steps because she was trying to pay a fine amount that was due and she was upset she couldn't get in the building.
    Broweird's site isn't much better, simply sayng essential services are suspended.

  2. A defendant who waives extradition is supposed to be released if not picked up within 15th days. In this case, Pasco County has said they are not picking him up, so the ROR would have been the functional equivalent of a release for failure to pick up.

  3. Are we an “essential service”?

  4. Are we an “essential service” ?

  5. The governor ordered a 30 day stay at home order. If we have already stayed at home for two weeks, do we get credit for time served?
