Thursday, April 09, 2020


UPDATED: We fixed the issue and the procedures are now posted below. PLUS: BROWARD'S NEW PROCEDURES FOR MIAMI LAWYERS- streamlined and efficient! See below. 

We have been approved for publishing the following. These are the procedures for next week REGJB practice. 
It appears to be fairly complicated. 
Our suggestion is to just not get involved. Leave it to the experts. For example, we have been hacking away at this (criminal law) for plus thirty-years and we have never heard of "ARRTS", but according to the below memo, they come after ACs and the calendar will proceed in order.  No one will be taken out of turn. No exceptions. 
"Pardon me judge, but if you take me out of turn, the virus will be cured."
"Sorry. No exceptions.

You can access the fun and frivolity via Zoom, or through something called "One Tap" mobile, but there appear to be more numbers than in a nuclear launch code. 

Because the Miami procedures are so complicated, Broward has dedicated a single phone number for Miami lawyers to schedule their cases in Broward. Simply dial the number and reach any number of friendly Broward JAs:
(305) 642-6466 (Miami-No). 
"Hello, I am calling on the Miami-Lawyer's line. May I schedule a case?"
JA: "NO!" (Click). 
Simple and efficient and the same result as always!

And then there is this Zoom Mishap:
Where a woman's boss accidentially turned herself into a potato during a Zoom meeting and then could not un-potato herself. 
The possibilities for court hearing-hijinks are endless. 


  1. Do we sell the bank stocks now that they can’t buy back shares? Rump?

  2. Do we sell the bank stocks now that they can’t buy back shares? Rump?

  3. It says that the document was removed from Scribd.

  4. Are these Zoom proceedings being recorded for posterity, for possible appellate review, by a steno or digital reporter or by video? Nothing is mentioned about a court reporter being on Zoom. If this continues on as a cost-saving measure for the courts, it may spell the end for reporters in the courtroom, except for capital cases. What say you, Rump?

  5. The reason the judges are doing the hearings in 1-5 and 4-1 is precisely so the proceedings can be recorded and transcribed. The digital court reporters will bein the courtroom with a clerk and a judge.
