Monday, April 13, 2020


British PM Harold Wilson is attributed with the quote "A week is a lifetime in politics". Joe Biden has learned that lesson. There are a few ways to beat Donald J Trump in the upcoming election. First, label Covid-19 "The Trump Flu" and lay the county's unpreparedness at his doorstep where it belongs. The phrase has a nice ring to it, is easily acceptable and repeatable, and like "Obama-Care" has legs. 
The second is for Joe Biden to pick NY Governor Andrew Cuomo as his VP. Cuomo has captivated the nation with his frank amd plain speaking leadership of NY during this crisis. One of his predecessors, Franklin Roosevelt, having assumed the presidency, once said that the American people can accept bad news if given in a simple and plain-spoken manner. 

But Biden jumped the gun. He raced to announce he would pick a woman as a VP candidate. That announcement was reckelsss and rash for several reasons. First, a presidential candidate's solemn responsibility is to pick the best person to become president if disaster strikes. Race and sex should have little to do with the decision. Ability should dictate the choice. Ronald Wilson Reagan chose wisely with George Herbert Walker Bush. John McCain chose unwisely with Sarah Palin, who had been scowling at the Russians from her front porch. Second, a week is a lifetime in politics, and Biden should not have limited his choices to anyone. Now he is paying the price. 

Andrew Cuomo is the clear choice for Vice President on the Democratic ticket, but Biden has put himself in a box with no way out. 

Speaking with being in box, we wonder whether our judicial leadership, who were slow to close the courts, have a plan on reopening the court system? Or are their planning on flicking a switch as well? Day X social distancing. Next day calendar calls for jury trials? Well, as they say in the Supreme Court "That Dog Won't Hunt." 


  1. By the way why aren't you leading a lynch mob against Biden for his sexual assault. Is that o.k. for Democrats?

  2. I thought today was Monday, April 13.

  3. Very insightful on Biden's playing identify politics to his detriment. You can also throw in his commitment to nominating a black women for the supreme court. This was really dumb. I bet he cannot name one who is qualified. Now the segue. Name the most significant VP pick in American history? Another easy one (I think). Truman in '44. The Dem bosses knew FDR would die in the first 6 months of 1945. The current VP, Henry Wallace, was a communist sympathizer whom organized labor could not stomach. Just think this Soviet stooge would have changed the course of history.

  4. I will hold my nose and vote for Biden.

    He still can change his mind in light of this crisis. He can choose Cuomo run as his VP and lose NO VOTES. However, unfortunately CUOMO may not ACCEPT.

  5. Uh Andrew Cuomo would be terrible. But thanks for your prisoner of the moment hot take.

  6. 10:56, your a typical Miami blowhard. Wallace was not a communist "sympathizer." He was a very progressive Democrat (after being a Republic for many years). After he was let go as VP, FDR actually named him Commerce secretary and Truman retained him in that position.

    This obsession with calling the desire to diversify "identity politics" is also very right wing Miami. Do you think there's a "best" VP selection? What does that even mean. Why don't you spend this downtime reading a book.

  7. Sleepy Joe has some mental health issues going on. Every time he's on TV he's confused and can barely put together a coherent thought. The leftists who made such a big deal about Trump's mental health are nowhere to be found on this issue. As 8:58 AM points out there is also the Biden accuser Tara Reade. What happened to believe all woman? Is metoo dead? Or does the left only bestow due process to certain people? (anyone remember Kavanaugh and the I believe Ford without any evidence crowd) Even the fake news New York Times attempted to whitewash Ms. Reade's claims to disastrous results. Playing identity politics as usual, which translates to you are a certain race or gender, therefore you must be qualified. What a crock.

    So what are we to learn from all this? The left with all their virtue signaling identity politics is devoid of any actual moral principles or values. Trump should be fairly easy to defeat if the democrats could actually nominate a halfway decent candidate. But they can't because they are completely controlled by corporate interests who want to maximize profits but still wanting to appear to be for the people - hence the reliance on identity politics with no real economic help/plan for the middle/working class they have contributed to destroying over the years.

  8. To all of you Trump supporters, Thanks for your help ushering in the worst plague in history and the greatest crash of an economy. Is this what he meant by making America great again? What balls you have even opining about any politician after this. Forgetting the lies, racism and hate, he has to be the most incompetent manager ever in the White house multiplied by 10. Every important position that would've dealt with this emergency has turned over 6 times in 3 years. Add to it the decimation of the NSC,the CIA and the state department and you have a perfect shit sandwich. Please just shut up, step aside and let the adults fix another Republican calamity.

  9. Headline: Paul Leinoff and Bernie Shapiro show their continued disdain of working women.

    This stinks to high heaven. An emergency room doctor in Miami, Florida, has temporarily lost custody of her 4-year-old daughter while she treats patients during the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Theresa Greene and her ex-husband, Eric, have been divorced for almost two years and have split time with their daughter evenly.

    Last week, Circuit Court Judge Bernard Shapiro ruled that the child should stay with her father, Eric Greene, to limit the risk of exposure to coronavirus. Theresa Greene told CNN that she felt the order discriminated against her as a divorced parent. "If I was married I'd be given the opportunity to go home to my child, no one could tell me I shouldn't do that," she said.

    In a statement, Eric Greene's attorney Paul Leinoff, Andy's son and a chip off of the old block, said that "Mr. Greene and I have the upmost (sic) respect for Dr. Greene's commitment to her critical work during this pandemic." But, of course, a buck is a buck and screwing a dedicated doctor to make your, vengeful and greedy client happy is what it is all about.

    "We will continue to pursue ways to resolve this delicate situation and believe that a result can be achieved safely and fairly," Leinoff wrote. Sure Paul, because you and your father are all about fairness, aren't you?

    Theresa Greene said she doesn't know when she'll get to see her daughter again, because there's no way to know when the pandemic will be over. And you did not know that did you Paul? Not going to argue later that after weeks of being with her father, that the father should be the primary parent, will you? And you, Eric, it has nothing to do with child support does it? Bernie, think outside the fact that Leinoff's father is one those top echelon of family lawyers that lives off of other people's suffering, and use your heart not re-election fears.

  10. Michelle Obama for VP. Slam dunk, they destroy Trump. She is incredible, brilliant, and a complete class act.

    Pick Kamala (and the manufactured southern accent she pulls out when trying to highlight her color), and I will vote for Trump.

    I would also be okay with Amy K., but she would not be as strong as MO. Don't like Stacy Abrams as a pick. She does not seem to have the experience for the position and seems like a hokey pick to me.

  11. 3:73 pm. The doc should have called TheQ duh.

  12. Shapiro just gave every medically necessary and heroic divorced parent a very strong incentive to stay home and let the rest of us die.

  13. 3:57 you should have mentioned that Eric Greene is a "web designer", which means he is a working stiff and not making a lot of money. This is not about the safety of the child, it is about opportunity. The chances are he wants the kid so he can collect even more child support and live better off of his highly successful wife. If any of you women meet this guy out somewhere, you should tell him what you really think of him.

    Wait for the motion for award of attorney fees Leinoff files, because his impecunious client can't afford his fees, his client won, so the doctor pays. What a couple of douches.

  14. Typically inadequate job, Bernie. Bitch-slapping a hero doctor, just to keep his lawyer happy. You've got your 30. It was time to retire years ago. Please, it is time to retire, NOW.

  15. Wonder why Rump has not gone after Holland and Knight?

  16. Hey, Anonymous at April 13, 2020 3:57:00 PM, the touchstone for custody cases like this is the best interest of the child. Now, revise your submission so that the reader cannot tell the gender of either parent. One of them, though, is a doctor in an emergency unit seeing a stream of corona infected patients. Based on this viral exposure, the other parent brings a motion for a temporary change of custody. Now, you tell me. What is in the best interest of the child? Where did Leinoff or Shapiro go wrong? It should not have even come to this. A responsible doctor/parent would voluntarily self-quarantine in the interest of the child without resort to the Court?

    Hey, and another thing, this blog is a chat area for lawyers. Here, 3:57:00 PM, attacks a lawyer for acting in the best interest of his client. Next, (s)he'll be attacking criminal attorneys for representing bad criminals. Please.

  17. Bernie Shapiro is still a Judge? I thought he retired years ago. They must have a special wing of the courthouse to hide him and Maria Korvick and Martin Greenbaum.

  18. Best interest of child is what governs, not some douchebag dad who sees another way to stick it to his ex wife. Yeah, I guess they were looking out for him. But really, should all essential personnel...cops, paramedics, public workers, nurses, court staff, all lose custody while this is ongoing? What a stupid idea. Or better yet, since she was 'putting the child at risk', shouldn't any person still around their children, married or not, be charged with neglect? Fucking moron. We will see what the dca does with this one. Probably won't be pretty. Is Shapiro up for election? Someone should jump into that race. On this ruling, he gets crushed.

  19. 7:33. What is going to be the best interests of the child 6 months from now? To be ripped out of his fathers home where he has acclimated and is safe? Also, if it is not safe for a child to be in a home with a first responder or medical professional on the front line, then why isn’t DCF investigating the well being of all the children of our Covid heroes regardless of their marital status? 5:42 is right. What Shapiro told every doctor or nurse is “pick your professional and community responsibility or the presence of your children”. This will go viral and it will hang as an albatross of shame around the neck of an otherwise unremarkable career.

  20. Hey guys Still no outrage against Biden abusing that poor woman in 1993. Are you all just pinko Democrats. Where is the outrage. Unlike the Kavanaugh case, she actually told people at the time, remembered where it occurred, an what occurred. Why the double standard?

  21. 9:55 - I am a Democrat and I am OUTRAGED!

    Now, fuck me, I have to pick between Biden, accused of a one-time incident by this lady, or Trump - accused multiple times of actually raping people, committing all kinds of crimes, lying, cheating, getting pissed on by prostitutes (or watching them with each other, or maybe him on them), looking out for Russia and Korea more than the US, self-dealing, stealing, etc.

    Of course - you may say 'well, none of that was proven' - okay...then let's take a look at Biden's accuser and go down that rabbit hole too. Same outcome. Biden 2020 - unless you can provide me with another option?

  22. ok 9:55, we'll bite.

    Let's say Biden did it. Let's say the denials are false, and the accusations are true. Let's say that 27 years ago Biden pinned a woman to a wall and groped her against her will. Ok. I'm sick to my stomach now. In November I will have to pick between an old white man who has sexually assaulted women in the past and who is disgusting today (Trump) and an old white man who has sexually assaulted women in the past but whose present day conduct is not disgusting (Biden).

    Sucks for me, sucks for you, sucks for all of us. Still, I am holding my nose and voting for Biden. Because the alternative is far far worse. Are we done now?

    Just in case you've forgotten about those sexual assault claims against Trump.

    God election season sucks.

  23. Martin Greenbaum is deceased. Maria Korvick is retired. Bernie Shapiro was in probate for a while, where soon-to-retire judges usually end up, but I hear boredom drove him back to Family.

  24. 9:55 Why are you offended? You like rapists in the White House and Supreme Court. I’ll make my decision on competence this time.

  25. April 14 at 7:33 am or should I say Mr.(s) Leinoff,

    3:57 here. I know its one of you or your partner Natalie Lemos, because it is posted at 7:30 in the morning. We all know your days start very early, so you can dictate one paragraph letters, and charge your client an hour for drafting at $500 per or more. Thus you have 8 hours in before you have had breakfast.

    Nice way to try and make your case. Why don't you look at the responses as to whether this was truly in the best interest of the child. A working arrangement that was in the best interest of the child, no longer is. That his how your firm always couches your claims for custody, even when you know it is not true. This is about child support and your client milking more money out of his ex-wife.

    I still challenge you to waive any claim attorney fees and costs from the mother. But you won't do that, because it is never about the client, it is about your fees. It always has been.

    BTW, I am a lawyer, so I can comment all I would like.

  26. 7:33 am - What ever happened to Andy Leinoff's reputation that he was so interested in the welfare of the child? Was this really in the best interest of the child or "your client's" financial interests and yours? Don't act so holier than thou on your duties to your client. We all represent clients. We also know our ethical obligations. You just sought a solution where there was no problem.
