Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday March 22 Update AND Covid Diary #4

Before we get to Carl's Diary, please check out DOM's blog and the astounding news Judge Cohn's refusal to grant a mistrial in an ONGOING case. Also sad news that Above the Law blogger/founder David Lat is fighting for his life on a ventilator. His blog is here.

And see below for an order from a District Judge in Illinois notable mostly for the restraint of a Judge dealing with an idiot of a lawyer.

Carl's Diary #4:
Hello Rumpole from the land of isolation. Medically, this MF'er is one nasty SOB. Remember my first post where I needed to lose ten pounds? Done. I am sick to the point my strength is sapped. What does this mean? A month ago I was your typical lawyer living a high-pressure life. I multitasked with my phone, speaking and emailing and texting while in a meeting. I managed several complicated federal civil and criminal litigations with pressing deadlines a week. When I relaxed I was still occupied. Keeping an eye on the market and reading articles while on my Peloton
Now? I lay on my bed just staring at the wall for hours, two tired to change the TV channel. My phone indicates over a hundred unanswered texts and five hundred plus emails and I could not care. I just lay here and ache. 
The good news? My lungs are clear thank the lord. I am just sick.
More good news. My neighbors are angels. My GF told them I was sick. Later that day a lasagna was left on my doorstep. Then some paperbacks. Then a whole container of Italian Wedding Soup. And then, two rolls of toilet paper in a Publix bag with a note to leave it on the porch if I need more (I don't). People care and that really means something to me. 
This Saturday afternoon which is my morning because I managed to sleep from 6am to 3pm I managed to make myself a K-cup of Starbucks coffee (dark French roast) and it may be the best cup of coffee I have ever had. The caffeine  flooded through my veins, reviving me, as the dark sweet liquid lingered on my taste buds. It was a semi-miracle. 
My doctor has stayed in touch with facetime. He tells me I am approaching the end of being ill. I got sick, got a bit better, then got wacked hard. He has asked me to monitor my fluid intake and output which means using a large plastic container and keeping a log. Don't ask. It's all I can manage. He says this is to make sure my kidneys aren't shutting down. So far, so good. Anecdotally supplements of magnesium before I go to sleep helps me sleep through the night and has stopped my acid reflux. As the Beatles sang- whatever gets you through the night, right Rumpole? 

Rumpole, I hope this diary does two things for your readers. First, STAY AWAY FROM EACH OTHER. I see reports on TV of people in the park running in groups and kids at bars partying. Bad idea. Second, this is survivable. It's bad but if you told me that there is some good out of me getting sick like being able to volunteer to give blood for an antibody vaccine then it is worth it to help society. And if my experience removes the uncertainty from your readers, then I hope this helps. 

RUMPOLE SAYS: Hang in there Carl. We are pulling for you. Below is an order from US District Court Judge Seeger in the Eastern Division of Illinois. We applaud Judge Seeger for his restraint. This is a lawyer who should be punished. Unicorns and Elves in a world-wide emergency? Puhleeze.


  1. Rumpole why do you write that emails about court closures have been approved by the motion picture association for all ages?

  2. Because a Judge screamed at me in an email for printing emails that were being sent to me before the policy was approved so I reached an accommodation of agreeing to wait until I received an approved email from the judge and this is my smary way of letting them know this is an approved email. Nobody likes being yelled at.
