Sunday, March 15, 2020


CARLOS MARTINEZ IS A LEADER! As of Sunday he has shut down the PDs office to outside visitors. No depos. Carlos Martinez understands that if we flatten the infection curve we can save our health care system and keep this down to a month or less. THANK YOU FOR BEING A LEADER ON THIS. He is what we need as a public servant and leader. He is taking care of his employees and is ahead of the curve. Lest you think we are falling all over ourselves for a friend, long time readers know we have criticized him repeatedly on other issues. But when the chips are down, he is taking care of his employees and our community. Unlike certain people (see below) he understands that this is NOT "business as usual." 

RUNDLE RELENTS: After Public Defender Carlos Martinez took the lead and announced that PD employees would be able to take administrative leave if they had child care issues, your State Attorney changed her position on Saturday and allowed SAO employees to take Admin leave if the hyave childcare issues. Previously KFR had announced that SAO employees would have to take annual leave if they had childcare issues, demonstrating a shocking ignorance about the value of social distancing and the problems of her employees with young children. This is what occurs when you lose touch with your employees and don't understand how to flatten an infection curve. 


GOOGLE AGREES that it is setting up a website to allow people to track their symptoms. This after the White House's initial announcement on Friday appeared to catch Google by surprise. You can Google Google to get to the Google site. 

WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT THIS WEEK: As testing ramps up in the US, the numbers of people infected with Covid19 will skyrocket. Understand that these people are ALREADY INFECTED. We just do not have official results. Our court leaders do not understand this which is why they are keeping courts -including the all important traffic court-open.  Somehow they imagine that the NY Times year in review will write "In a courageous display of bravery, Miami Dade County Court leaders kept their traffic court open while society around them collapsed. Leaders from around the world praised the decision as the turning point in the fight against the virus."

The opposite is true, Keeping traffic court and other court systems fully open just ensures that thousands of people who could otherwise stay home and let the infection levels flatten out will come into contact with each other and endanger citizens and court employees alike. We implore these people to review their decisions and change their mind. 

Movie Theaters are changing seating and reducing ticket sales by 50% so that every other seat is not sold and people practice social distancing. Only if you must- otherwise stay home. 

HERE IS A GOOD LINK ON WHAT SOCIAL DISTANCING MEANS- read it, especially if you are a decision maker in your family or workplace. 

DO: Go to the beach for a swim; play tennis or golf or go for a run or vigorous walk or a bike ride. Shark Valley in the Everglades is open for a nice long bike ride. Go shoot some hoops. Go to a batting cage in Tropical Park. Go to the park. Take vitamin C and Zinc and Garlic extract capsules.  You can go to your gym if you use Clorox wipes on the machines and do not use the public showers. 

DON'T: Use public swimming pools; avoid elevators and use hand wash immediately after using an elevator; touch handrails on escalators; eat out for the next week (including, sigh...Starbucks); Travel; go to friend's house or take your children to birthday parties or play-dates; shake hands or kiss upon greeting; go to court for traffic tickets or misdemeanors; watch the movie "Outbreak"; go to a spa for a massage; go to the beauty parlor and hang out all day with a manicure; go to bars (ouch) and hang out.  

IF YOU FEEL ILL: Relax. First, self quarantine yourself in your home which means limiting exposure to family. Second, start taking your temperature every hour. If your temperature responds to Advil or Tylenol, that is a good sign. You do not need to go to the ER if you have symptoms of a cold and no fever. Increase your consumption of Vitamin C, Zinc and Garlic extract. 

Do not go to the ER UNLESS you have a fever above 100 AND a persistent cough and aches and are having trouble breathing. One symptom of Covid-19 is a rapid onset of symptoms-essentially you cascade downward quickly. There are no antiviral drugs that have currently been approved for use-although an anti-viral drug for Ebola has had promising results in tests and may soon be available to treat symptoms. 

Email Rumpole. We will give you solid and impartial advice. 

STOCKS: The market will continue to be driven by emotions and fear and this is a bad thing for most investors ( we sold two major indexes short a month ago as a hedge). As confirmed cases in the US skyrocket based on increased testing, the market will fall further. You will not be able to catch the bottom. ONLY INVEST MONEY YOU DO NOT NEED FOR A YEAR. If you like Coke at 48, Netflix at 336. Microsoft at 159, Johnson and Johnson at 135, Apple at 277, Amazon at 1,785, Bristol Meyers at 55, and ATT at 34, then BUY. In a year from now you will be happy.

Stocks will fall further as the market reacts to numbers. Various additional celebrities, politicians and athletes will announce they have tested positive. The market will fall. As the numbers flatten out and people recover, the market will rise. As people return to work, the market will rise. As companies report Q1 and Q2 numbers, the market will initially fall, and then rise as companies give strong future guidance. 

Meanwhile Netflix has a show called "Love is Blind". People somehow meet through closed doors, fall in love and  get engaged before actually seeing each other. How is this possible??


  1. The REN (A Wuhan Venue) just reopened. Great news. The Wuhan Ren, besides being an amazing venue, was one of the largest distributor of commercial dumplings throughout Asia, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Now thousands of restaurants will have traditional Chinese dumplings back on the menu. You can find some of the frozen Wuhan Ren dumplings for sale on various websites. The snoCrab is the best. The Duck is damn good as are the truffle oil Dumplings. As Ren Venues reopen throughout China, this is a sure sign society is returning to normal.


    Wuhan ([ù.xân] (listen); simplified Chinese: 武汉; traditional Chinese: 武漢) is the capital of Hubei province, People's Republic of China.[16]
    It is the largest city in Hubei and the most populous city in Central China,[17] with a population of over 11 million, the ninth most populous Chinese city, and one of the nine National Central Cities of China.[18] As of early 2020, Wuhan is most recognized as the origin of outbreak of the worldwide pandemic popularly known as the "Coronavirus."[19] This virus that spread from Wuhan has infected and killed thousands of people around the world.[20]

    While Wuhan has been a traditional manufacturing hub for decades, it is also one of the areas promoting modern industrial changes in China. Wuhan consists of three national development zones, four scientific and technological development parks, over 350 research institutes, 1,656 high tech enterprises, numerous enterprise incubators, and investments from 230 Fortune Global 500 firms.[28] It produced GDP of US$22.4 billion in 2018. The Dongfeng Motor Corporation, an automobile manufacturer, is headquartered in Wuhan. Wuhan is home to multiple notable institutes of higher education, including Wuhan University, which was ranked third nationwide in 2017,[29] and the Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

    Wuhan is also a leader in commercial food production for Central China including such new establishments at The REN-A Wuhan Venue [29] which distributes traditional Chinese food products throughout Asia, and is located on Hubu Street (戶部巷), a 150-meter-long street in the neighborhood of Simenkou (司门口). Along its short length one can find nearly all the traditional foods of Wuhan, such as: Doupi
    Hot and dry noodles, re-gan mian (热干面), consists of long freshly boiled noodles mixed with sesame paste.

  3. Financially and marketwise remember this- this is not a financial crisis. Most companies are fundamentally sound. Apple. Amazon. ATT. Verizon. Home Depot. Coke. Clorox.
    They will take a hit in reporting Q1 and Q2 results. But if social distancing and isolation works and we flatten out the infection rate, then we will have a V shaped recovery with a sharp uptick in stock prices when people return to work. Until then you have to hang on and slow the bleeding and losses.

    I am serious about this. If you are a private practitioner and facing issues, email me. I will keep it private and get you help.

  4. DCF attorneys are still being required to come to work, childcare issues or not. It’s radio silence from management since Friday.

  5. This is unprecedented. This is truly scary. I’m very worried. Thank you for your common sense analysis.

    Stay safe RUMPOLE and keep your family safe.


  6. Someone make a fucking decision.

    Do we go to court and take depos this week or not.

    Bertie..... be clearer.

  7. What a cluster. Even reading the COVID-19 Advisory on the Jud11 website is confusing. "Non mission critical hearings" - wtf does that mean. I guess cases set for a status report are mission critical? Then under the felony section only three types of hearings are addressed : bond, arraignment, and emergency and the only relevant information I can gather is if someone doesn't have an attorney and they don't show for arraignment a warrant won't be issued. What about soundings, reports, pleas and everything else. I can only assume everything except trials is still on, but even with regard to trials do i still have to show up for the trial day or will it automatically be reset? Do my clients have to show up? Leaves much to be desired. No communication, no clarity, etc.. Everyone wants to be an administrative judge but nobody wants to administrate.

    As for the state, Rundle will be quarantined on the 5th floor - so for her it will be business as usual.

    Based on how everyone is handling this it's only a matter of time before either an employee or regular of the justice building contracts Covid forcing a shutdown. This is not going to go away in a few days or weeks, I just hope Publix gets more toilet paper because I only have 8 rolls left.
