Friday, March 13, 2020


DADE SAO  AND COURTS IN TURMOIL: Courts in Dade are open. We think. No trials but full calendars requiring all sorts of personnel to stream into a building that is an incubator of germs. No social distancing for Dade Courts, and the fact that employees will go home and infect their families doesn't seem to matter one damn bit to the people in charge. 
Dade Prosecutors and staff have to report to work. Schools are closed but they cannot bring their children. If they are not sick and take off from work they will be using vacation time. Thank you KFR for that cruel blow. 
On a larger scale WHAT DON'T THESE PEOPLE GET? 
We can defeat this virus, especially in the heat of South Florida, if we let it burn out by practising social distancing. The less people get together, the less chance of transmission. Could we reduce criminal county court to three judges and staff? NO...Not in Dade. Open all courts and fully staff them. Could we reduce ciricuit court to four judges handling arraignments and bonds and emergency matters? NOPE not here. Every Judge has at least one JA, a Bailiff, two in court clerks, and two corrections officers. Take ten judges out of the picture and you reduce traffic into the courthouse by 70 people. But that makes too much sense for our court leaders who are bound and determined to get everyone's family exposed. SHAME ON YOU PEOPLE. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOU ARE NOT LEADING. YOU ARE REACTING. YOU COULD HAVE SHUT THE SYSTEM DOWN A MONTH AGO. BUT YOU WAITED and now Publix is out of toliet paper because of the panic. We hope you are happy. 

UPDATE: COURT PRESS CONFERNCE: Find the errors in the picture!

ERRORS: 1) Lack of social distancing. People are closer than six feet; 2: No Purell on the podium; and under you cannot make this stuff up 3) THE MAN IN BLUE IN THE FAR LEFT IS INFECTING HIMSELF BY TOUCHING HIS NOSE. This is a Covid-19 violation of the first order. He should be immediately quarantined. It's as if he shared a big mac or slice of pizza with the Dade County Mayor. Shame! Shame! Shame!

UPDATED SEE BELOW Chock full of new and important information you need. They sneeze. We report. You decide. 

Broward courts to operate on a restricted basis. Jury Trials for March 16 and March 23 are suspended. This however will not stop Broward judges from sentencing defendants to maximum sentences to preserve local order. People who have been to China, Iran, Italy and Hialeah within the last 14 days may not enter Broward County or the Court System. 

Feds stay open because the Covid-19 did not follow the local rules so the magistrate struck it's infection rate. 

Your Federal Public Defender (name withheld by request) will handle arraignments for you IF you are CJA appointed. Just use some Purell before calling them on the phone and asking for it. 

Florida Supreme Court suspends Speedy Trial and other deadlines. 

President Lincoln Suspends writ of habeas corpus.

BOP to close prisons for thirty days. 

Disney on Ice suspended. 

Florida Price gouging hot line open. Report price gouging to 1-866-966-7226.

Miami Parks cancels permits for birthday parties and other small events for thirty days. 

Miami-Dade Court leaders responding to loss of World Trade Center Towers- "This terrorist attack will not stand".

Miami Dade offers free Covid-19 testing with no co-payments. Just go to Joes, walk to the maître 'd, fold a twenty in your hand, shake hands, use Purell, get your free test and a nice seat in the main dinning room. 

Miami Dade Schools Close Monday for one week and then spring break for one week. This will allow for a 14 day social separating to allow the virus to burn out.  Breakfast and Lunch hot meals will still be available for children and families who need it. (Well done Miami Dade). 

Tuesday March 17 election day polls will remain OPEN. 

President declares State of Emergency which will allow him to stop price gouging at Taco Bell. Emergency powers also allow him to order removal of Obama portraits from the White House. 

We are having a problem with converting docs for blog publication. Please check back and we will have the orders up. 

But make no mistake about it. Virus. Health crisis. Financial meltdown. None of it matters. Dade Courts and judges will make sure those disorderly conduct cases get the jury trials they deserve. 

fed order by HR on Scribd

Broward Order by HR on Scribd


  1. Markets rallied around the world today once Dade County Court officials announced that they were monitoring the virus closely. "This is the news we have been waiting for" and an unnamed World Health Organization Official. In Italy hundreds of sick people wept with relief once Dade Court Officials announced their level of concern. At home, the CDC asked all Americans "to follow the lead of Dade County Court Officials". "With their level of concern" this virus will be defeated said unnamed CDC officials.

  2. no news on 3pm presser re: miami courts?

  3. Rumpole I do not want anyone to be sick. I do not want this disruption to our country, our community, and the world. HOWVEVER I was so overworked that I need this slow down and time to rest and sleep a bit later. I was working from 4am to 11pm every day six days a week 7am to 9pm on Sundays. Personally if this thing can burn itself out over two weeks, I will use the time to rest.

    A fan

  4. Ye Olde Cigar SHoppe is open for business. We are instituting social distancing including chairs and lounges 6.5 feet apart; ultraviolet blue disinfectant for our domino players, and Cheryl and Lourdes, our famous cigar babes, will be using gloves changed every twenty minutes when handling your cigars. We will not be taking cash and we have a separate employee to process credit cards and we wipe our screens with a Lysol based spray after every transaction. Beverages served in disposable cups. Come relax and enjoy a Corona or a Romeo y Julietta and discuss the days issues.
    Just drive down Bird Road until you hit the Everglades and see a large gator by the side of the road smoking a stogie waiving you in.

  5. Rumpole, can't you just write a serious post without the "joking" surplusage? We are trying to get accurate info here so we can relay it to clients and witnesses. We would appreciate just quick and factual information without the need to wade through the b.s. to get to it.

  6. The CDC reports sanitizer needs to be 70% alcohol to kill CoVid19. I am switching to Appleton 151 to kill the virus from the inside out

  7. 6:02 PM after careful and thoughtful consideration of your request, the answer is a resounding NO. If you think that federal court is open because Covid-19 didn't follow the local rules and it's rate of infections was struck by a magistrate then you are a cold, heartless, humorless and intellectually deficient person.
    Sorry Judge, it ain't going to happen. Go find another blog.

  8. Hey Rumpole-

    Do you think that President Trump seems a bit “slow” in his speech and reading behaviors? Don’t you think that we need a “Kennedy-esque” President to bring inspiration, enthusiasm and creativity back to the young Americans?

    Don’t we need a 40-50 year old as President to lead America into its best self with innovation, invention and leadership for goodness sake? This President and Biden or Sanders don’t know anything about technology, biomedical ventures or 21st century science. If the United States is not going to the way that the Roman Empire did - or the United Kingdom for that matter - we need a respected, brilliant, HONEST and charismatic LEADER.

    I am “short” on America’s chances to be Great Again Runpole. We have seen this country at its best after WWII. The only thing to be optimistic about is that China is a long way off of being the next Empire - and at least we have about 10 years left for foreign investment in US equity and debt as we are the “least dirty shirt” in the pile.


  9. OK, I have a jury trial set on Monday. DO I SHOW UP?

    Do I wear a mask?

    Does my client show up??????

    How about real answers folks!!!
