Tuesday, January 28, 2020



We have hurricanes. We have droughts and floods and tornados. And now South Florida has an earthquake, centered off of Cuba, causing a possible concern of a Tsunami striking Miami Beach and wiping out an entire half stadium of Super Bowl revelers. 

There is now, in our considered opinion, absolutely, positively no reason not to move to California. Oh wait...State income taxes. Never mind.

Update: The Chief Judge ordered the Civil, Family, and Children's Courthouses CLOSED. 
The REGJB remained OPEN. 



  1. That was no Earthquake. That was ___________
    fill in the blank for your best joke.

  2. Everyone in felony court falling down after the state offered a plea below what the victim wanted.

  3. Judge Milt Hirsch's collection of Pre Colombian esoteric fiction written in Latin titles falling when he moved his chambers to probate.

  4. The stampede to file for county court open judicial seats.

  5. The souls of the Florida Supreme Court collapsing after their last decision on the death penalty.

  6. Dynamite at the construction site for Sy Gaer Square.

  7. Couple of county court judges taking a tumble at their afternoon courthouse Yoga with Yoli class.



    To be fair to the Trialmaster, I did introduce the issue of "color" within my original post that quoted from the Palm Beach Post:

    "Florida’s Supreme Court has been without a black jurist since 2018, a gap that Gov. Ron DeSantis has been pressured to fill ..."

    Surely Trialmaster could have used a better choice of words:

    "Thats the most qualified black? Why not William Thomas. Trawick, or Herndon? All experience trial judges and extremely well qualified."

    I agree with Horace, as I think we all do, that we should always aim for the nine most qualified jurists on the FSC. But let's get real. We know that the issue of diversity comes up all the time in the Governor's office when it comes to judicial appointments.

    It is a very fair question to ask - what the hell was the JNC thinking when they decided to nominate a nine year member of TFB who is not even constitutionally qualified to sit on the highest court of our State. It is therefore also a fair question to ask the JNC - Judge Renatha Francis over Judge Thomas or Judge Trawick? She must be Scalia and Rehnquist all rolled into one for her to get the nod.

    Captain Out .......

  9. Ill come to the defense of judge renetta francis she is well qualified to sit on fsc september 24 2020 will met the 10 year requirement j thomas j hendon an j trawick are all very experienced an could sit on fsc but j francis isa double minority a black and a woman

  10. @Evan Crawford.

    "a black" AND "a woman"!?! You don't say! That certainly makes up for the fact that some of the cases she would be hearing as a FSJ were filed before she was even a lawyer. Don't you think? (please note the sarcasm)

    It is absurd that someone who is not even qualified under the very liberal standards of the constitution has been recommended to be a FSJ because she is "a double minority." Give me a break.

    The JNC is pissing on our backs and asking us to thank them for the water.

  11. Evan. You are correct when you say, and I paraphrase, that the governor gets a 2fer by appointing Francis. Black and Female. There are currently no black and no female on the FSC. But nine years as a lawyer. Come on man. Let him pick Any of the other qualified women that were nominated. And the JNC could have nominated Thomas or Trawick.
