Friday, December 13, 2019


Bigwigs are talking. Hushed conversations in the backrooms of places like La Loggia and Capitol Grille. Judges stopping in hallways for a quick chat, while deal makers wave large cigars while using words like "bond referendum" and "county commission". Naturally, as a well known trouble-maker and raconteur, not to mention pain-in-the-judicial-robes-,  Rumpole is excluded from these pow-wows. 

But emails are being sent. People are conspiring, combining and confederating, and our loyal readers are sending us the evidence. 

Now before you start celebrating, they are not talking about replacing our beloved Criminal Justice Building. The same building whose floors we have paced countless times awaiting those lovely words "not guilty". The building where we know every crack and crevice and upon whose dirty, ego-stained floors lie the shattered the hopes of more than a few young, aspiring "know-it-all" prosecutors who sanctimoniously lecture us as to why they are offering life on a first offense burglary: "The victim wants the max". Ahh, the beauty of those famous last words as a few days later Rumpole and his client saunter out of the courthouse, one free forever, the other free until the next jury is convened by the next smug ASA and bewildered wearer of black robes. 

Perhaps a post on "Why Kathy Fernandez-Rundle runs an office where prosecutors cower before victims and play politics with justice" is in order. But for another time.... Here is what is being said about the new civil digs:  

Dear Bar Leaders,

Please see press release attached and below, and message from Chief Judge Soto below. I am copying here my assistant, Ms. Marissa Gavica, who is helping me while I am out on temporary leave. Thank you.   –Eunice & Marissa on behalf of Chief Judge Soto

Message from Chief Judge Soto:

Dear All,

The new civil and probate courthouse project is back on the County Commission calendar for this coming Tuesday, Dec. 17th.

This had been previously scheduled for Dec. 3rd, but was postponed pending receipt of approval of the project from the Federal Transportation Administration. That approval has now been received.

We need you and your clients to contact your County Commissioners and attend the Dec. 17th meeting to have your voices heard on the importance of having a clean, safe and functional civil and probate courthouse for this community. If you are planning to send representatives to speak at the Commission meeting, kindly advise via reply email so I may recognize your presence that day.

Thank you for your support in the past years. You and your clients know how critical the need is, because you have seen firsthand how many times floors have been closed due to mold and A/C leaks, and how many times judges and staff have had to be moved in order to remediate these potentially health-threatening issues. In fact, some of you have been present when water leaks have disrupted live court proceedings. Now is the time to share your experiences with those who have the power to make positive and lasting change for the justice needs of our community.

Below are details on how you can help. We count on your support again on Dec. 17th.

--The Honorable Bertila Soto, Chief Judge

How You Can Help:

  • Share this update with your membership. We will continue to keep you updated on new developments as the date approaches.
  • Encourage your members and their clients to attend the County Commission meeting on Dec. 17 and speak about the importance of a safe, functional civil & probate courthouse for Miami-Dade County.

    Note: A speaker card must be completed between 9am and no later than 9:30am. By completing a speaker card, you can be called at the beginning of the meeting, so those of you with other demands on your time that day can be called as early as possible.

    Address:             Stephen P. Clark Government Center
                                 111 NW 1st Street, Commission Chambers (take moving escalator to second floor chambers)
                                 Miami, FL  33128
  • Contact your County Commissioners about the importance of a “yes” vote for this project. District maps and contact info. for the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners may be found here:
  • Review the attachments to this email message for background info.

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