Friday, December 20, 2019


UPDATE: What causes your favourite federal blogger to shout "woo-hoo!!"??  Why nothing less than the 76-17 vote confirming Raag Singhal as the newest federal judge for the Southern District of Florida.  The coverage is on his blog here. 
Congrats to Judge Singhal and welcome to the party. 

You cannot tell the ballplayers without a scorecard, and you won't know where to go to have your case called these next few weeks without the Judicial Coverage  Holiday Schedule. 
The December, 2019 holiday schedule is out! (Woo-hoo! Oh wait, that was already done). Here is what is confusing: some judges are listed as covering their own calendars. That seems weird. Let's say we are starting a jury trial. And the Judge introduces the parties. She wouldn't say "And representing the defendant, covering for Horace Rumpole, is Horace Rumpole." 
Does that make sense? 
With that being said, here's your 2019 long awaited, much anticipated, earth shaking, viagara-taking, Judicial Coverage Holiday Schedule. And once again, a shout out to Judge Tinkler-Mendez, the hardest working judge in show business. 


  1. Wishing all of my Justice Building friends a wonderful new year and happy holidays.

    Thank you RUMPOLE for a terrific and enlightening year on the best blog out there. Your hard work and dedication is truly appreciated and enjoyed.

    Looking forward to more great posts and comments in 2020. I hope that the world becomes a lot more loving and kind. Let’s try. Yes?

  2. I’m convinced Kenny W starred in Goodfellas. He played either Pete the Killer - who was Sally Balls brother - or Jimmy Two Times? Yes?

    Kenny W. - go get the papers - the papers?
