Monday, September 30, 2019


As state court practitioners begin ten days of reflection and introspection, and federal practitioners plod through their day with the First Amendment prohibitions against Shul and State firmly in place, we provide you with perhaps one of the greatest quotes of all time.

The context is the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs speaking to his team after an unexpectedly difficult win against the emerging Detroit Lions. The win was "ugly" and henceforth this shall define ugly wins:

Congrats to Judge De La O who, after losing the fantasy football  championship to your faithful blogger last year exacted his revenge yesterday and beat us and beat us good. The series isn't over until the fat judge sings.*

Enjoy your day off if you are Jewish and happy new year 5780 or something close to that. 
English Supreme Court ruling on prorogation coming soon. 

* For you millennials, this is a reference to a quote that was said during the 1978 NBA playoff series between the San Antonio Spurs and the Washington Bullets in which the Spurs won the first game. A "large boned" female opera singer was set to sing the national anthem during the final game, and thus the quote. It can be used after the prosecution presents its first witness during trial. Our use of a large judge instead of an opera singer should be viewed solely as humor. Any comparisons to any individual, any judge, any lawyer, any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. The phraseology is clearly not politically correct and body shaming is wrong and we are against it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's great. But who are the Chefs?
